
Well said. A lot of ill-informed hate going on in these comments. I'd love to see the Surface Pro at a $800 price point, but I'm a bit skeptical given its build. It really is a luxury device and, quite honestly, a dream device for people like myself who dislike the Apple environment. MS needs to weight their options

Who would watch this?

So where's this "gun" safe? All I see is a generic cheap-o safe, akin to your budget hotel rooms.

I'd argue quality over quantity, more so in the loyalty this will build for the consumer. I'm much more likely to stick with Windows if their product isn't a POS with constant blue screens and hardware failures. Not to mention the million and a half different models that flood the place. Two models, high-quality

The opposite here, actually. I've been seeing more and more spam getting through as legitimate mail.

Anyone else getting the Nexus 7? What will you be spending your $25 Google Play credit on?

Apps on Android aren't worthy of purchase in general. The iOS apps are almost always of superior quality. And that's from an Android fan.

Haha I just tried it on this:

Holy shit I've had a Titan for almost a year now and never new this... Thanks bro

Ads on the lock screen. I could see that.

I agree with Zirbes. I've had a plasma for almost 3 years now. I don't have any brightness issues, or whiteness for that matter. It's super crisp and bright (I have a panasonic VERAlink series) but there is the issue of potential image burn. If your parents have a tendency to leave the TV on, or leave the TV guide

I believe it has something to do with the indexing and behind-the-scenes process. Not the premise of local search itself, but the implementation. That's why Google is going to work on a new approach. That's what I interpreted, anyway.


I agree. I had clear for a few months between cell contracts. The connection was in almost all areas, and it was very fast. About 3 megabytes/sec download. People hate on clear.

The intent is that you would be streaming your content, which most everyone already does. Dropbox, Hulu, Netflix, Google Music, Spotify, YouTube, Grooveshark, Pandora,, LaLa, HBO Go. Not to mention DLNA and the fact that pretty much everyone has their own home streaming content setup. I could go on...

I'm not an Apple user, and haven't tried one of these, but I constantly hear people complaining about how terrible and irritating this thing is. Also if you listen to the Nerdist podcast, they always rage about how much they love-hate this thing.

Greenpeace drones stand in the sidewalks leading to the metro here in DC. Having to tell them no thanks every day quickly becomes an irritating scenario. More so when they try to guilt you for declining.

While true, it would defeat the purpose I'm working toward. I would want this tablet to be my ONLY device I have to carry. I have actually gotten a Clear 4g hotspot and, despite the popular opinion, it was totally fantastic. I'm not against having a hotspot, but I really would prefer this device to cover that base

You're certainly not wrong, but I would LOVE to drop my cell phone entirely. An LTE Surface would be a godsend. All I'd have to worry about is a $20-$40 data plan, instead of being bled dry for minutes and texts I never use. Google voice has every base covered. Skype as well, but I use gmail to make calls from my PC

I'm guessing it's the whole cow, given the absurdly high number. These metrics feel dubious.