
I would say that is a property of your particular board/case and not an industry standard. I've never had a case that aligned with the heat sink fan. I do also custom build all of my desktops I've ever had. The case fans themselves are intended to create air flow regardless of where the various internal fans are

I agree. Also, I switched to Windows Phone (HTC Titan) from Android, and previously an iPhone 3G — primarily because I don't USE apps. I wanted a clean and reliable interface to do my day to day. Podcasts, music, social and news. That's all I really wanted. I found that of the hundreds of apps I had for the other

I would wait. That's my own opinion, of course, but I would wait. The beauty of the Surface is that it runs the windows core component. There may not be many apps right now (well, actually there are an impressive amount but some are legacy apps), but the entire driving initiative MS went for was compatibility, and

"Looks aside, there's the feeling that this change is coming from a new core philosophy and not just blind trend-chasing by a pack of suits. Microsoft is embracing ideas as much as statistics."

Maybe if you had read my first two sentences you would have known it was clearly an opinion of the products for my own personal use, and Africa was mentioned at no time. Carry on, troll. Carry on.

Tablets do not run Windows Phone 8. WP8 is for phones only, hence the name. Tablets and desktops run Windows RT or Windows 8 Pro (though desktops have a few other options.) I also agree that 720p on a phone is more than sufficient. Any complains therein are merely elitism and ignorance to practicality.

I agree. I also find it to be a deterrent to rub those chemicals into my skin. Anything I touch for hours after will have those same chemicals on it, including my food. Not to mention it's really just silly. People who don't use it are just as healthy as those who do. Maybe if you're a waste management worker or

"I assume the screen glass is Gorilla-ish, like everything else in the market."

I agree completely. I've also been waiting for this exact product.

I think a great part about YouTube is that, for the most part, the community censors itself with the spam/thumbs down tools.

Working here as well. Build 12.0.742.91

I am with you. I'm even ditching an alienware m11x for this. This is what I've been waiting for.

This statement is valid for only for avocados. but arguably all fruit and vegetables as a whole. Nothing gas-ripened and shipped wholesale can compare to the flavor (and nutrition) of the natural way.

I love how the Windows icon and accessories clearly show this device being built with landscape mode in mind. Portrait mode is terrible for functionality and media consumption. I wholeheartedly welcome this.

I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm sure that device makes a tasty drink, but comparing that to self-brewed leaf teas is a slap in the face to any enthusiast. It's like touting powdered coffee to a coffee enthusiast.

I've also got one. I'm a big fan of self-brewed tea now thanks to it. I've had zero problems with it other than staining. I've noticed that the plastic has begin to take on the color of tea, stained and darkened. I do clean it diligently but can't get the staining to go away. Have even soaked it in various cleaners.

Same here, since 2010. No issues other than the plastic beginning to take on the color of tea.

I've got to disagree. I use my tablet exclusively in landscape. I even have it locked into that mode. I find portrait to be less useful, even when reading. Also landscape is more natural to the motion of your arms. It's awkward to constantly move your arm up and down like some robot trying to pan the device.

My first thoughts exactly.

You can download a standalone chrome browser that doesn't require installation or administrative rights. That's what I'm using now.