
Agreed. My phone is on vibrate at all times, except during the night because I use it as my morning alarm.

"Beta test" is not an excuse. This is Alpha test material. People should know the difference.

Well said

That's going to be one expensive car accident. Bus accident? Automobile collision.

On the actual YouTube page, someone asked that question. He responded:

Idk. I don't mind opinion. I agree it came on a bit strong here, though. To be fair, he did insult the PS3 controller, and then insulted the 360 controller, and then favored both sides by using the Wii as a punchline. Could be worse. If I really hated opinion that much I'd just read a specs sheet.

Agreed. I appreciate the heft of the 360, but I've always been in favor of the PS3 controller. I have generally small hands, so that may be a factor.

Completely dependent on life span. We've evolved mosquitoes in many ways in less than 2 months for research. But for the most part, you'd be right.


Interesting. Thanks for looking into it! I'll have to get it looked at some time.

No much too lazy for that. Well, not lazy, but given my work schedule it would mean taking an entire day off to even arrange it. I did get it new from Amazon though. The wifi works perfectly fine and everything, but when downloading video over the marketplace... kill me now. Do you have choppiness playing YouTube

Totally not saying this to be a typical internet asshat. But that hasn't ever happened to me, I'm sad and slightly amused to hear it did to you. Also it's advised not to eat greasy foods above one's lap. I have always preferred soft tacos due to that risk, though.

Crash is a poor word. More like hangs. And I'm also using a Titan. It occurs more so in the pre-Mango apps when they're "resuming" and they just load on and on and on. Also from time to time I notice some real sluggishness on the device, but it passes momentarily. Do you use the marketplace for podcasts, particularly

Being a WP Mango user since release, I can attest that maybe 0.01% of WP apps are worth installing. Most are total trash. Most crash. Most malfunction. Even the Spotify app is horribly unreliable. Even my built-in ALARM fails to perform far too often (was late to work today, actually!).

I do get a strange sense of urgency when my reader has over 300 unread articles. It's weird, almost like hoarding, in the way that I don't want to just click "mark all read" because some part of me is worried I'll miss something interesting. Social anxiety, or something. Idk. But I feel you.

The desktop still exists in its entirety.

This is such trash... I mean, the article was well written and goes into a lot of detail... but it's like a how-to guide for being a petty attention hungry whore. The only time I could ever see this being relevant is if you, idk, started a band and need shameless self-promotion. Since when was a social network an

What's up with all the Conan hate in the comments? Leno's show holds a viewership of elderly and uneducated. The same old fashioned asshats voting against change and equal rights. Of course the rating dropped when they moved Conan in. He was a whole different crowd. Conan is focused entirely in the younger viewership.

I feel kinda dirty watching this...

Just a matter of perspective. Saying gravity's pull is non-existent is not the same as saying gravity itself it gone. Disregarding a force which nets zero is not a big deal. Just a matter of speaking.