
I love this guy's series on YouTube Smarter Every Day. Some really golden content in there.

TBS content is also region limited haha. I'm not sure to where, but the last time I tried my Canadian buddy couldn't view the content.

You know, for all the supposedly existing Leno fans, I never see any articles on their content.

Like most everything else I doubt it scales 1:1. I'd try 1:30 and see where that gets you. At the very least you've only ruined one serving worth.

Very well said. I got into the Giz scene just months before the redesign, so I didn't have much experience beforehand. I did however have a complete distaste for the revision. I think things have gotten a lot better with the tweaks that have followed, but I did see the autonomy and take-no-prisoner stance that the

Agreed. I've got to admit I often visit articles I have zero interest in simply to peruse the humor the follows.

I too was a bit shocked by the 0.3...

Do have headphones. Over-ear headphones. These people are loud and obnoxious. Don't spout high-n-mighty BS when you can't even relate to the situation.

Right, because after spending 9 hours at work, 45 minutes on a subway, waiting 15 minutes for a bus and then sitting down for the last half hour drive to your home only to have to listen to the mindless blithering of some obnoxiously loud woman yapping about her baby daddy is totally not annoying.

This is the basic gist of things. The power consumption (red) is an exponential rate, but the light emitted (blue) is linear. At a certain level, the light emitted is of higher sum than the energy consumed.

Well said. I find myself in complete agreement.

Hope you don't wear white socks afterward haha

Totally not trying to be racist and with full respect. Here in VA/DC, public transit is the norm and literally 4/5 of every Black/Hispanic women is tethered to their phone blaring their conversations loud and proud. I'm so tired of hearing about baby daddies. Please. Save it for the house. Strangely I almost never see

I think the beauty of this device is not that you can do anything with it, but that it's cheap enough to merit purchasing it knowing you can tinker, and eventually, think of something to do with it.

Is your extension cable perhaps USB 3.0, or the device itself? If they're build on different architecture, that could be an issue for you.

No, I'd say you're right — I completely understand the need for subsidizing costs via advertisement or promotion. I could have worded my post better. I merely intended to remark on the much-hated bloatware trend.

lol wow I can't even imagine the look on his face. That's golden.

It's worth noting, for all you "just uninstall it" bozos, that A) It shouldn't be there to begin with, and B) You may not realize it but uninstalling these questionably shitty applications often leaves behind excess files, directories and registry keys that only add to the cluttered mess that is a pre-built machine.

Purchase your machine

I find this totally believable. Anyone who's ever tried talking over the reverberation of their own voice (perhaps on Ventrilo or Skype) can attest that it seriously trips you up.