
"(((The method))), developed by Air Danshin Systems Inc., (((the method))) is radically different than conventionally employed dampers and band isolation systems."


There are some interesting technologies in the making right now, such as eye tracking and even manipulation via thought by use of brainwave reading or internal implants. I wasn't saying it's something that's going to happen any time soon, simply that it's an evolving trend and that I think this is a small step in the

You can disagree with you of course. You're entitled to that. Time will tell. I myself can type just as quickly, and more accurately, via my tablet as on a traditional keyboard. I agree the mouse is key and doesn't have a suitable replacement yet. Saying it will not be overthrown by a future technology is, really,

I agree with you on many points. There is however a gesture to pull down the apps to close them. I've seen it done on the tablet, but I'm not sure it exists on the PC. My assumption is that it does.

I think the W8 UI is designed to be a full-screen experience. The start button is for all intents and purposes still there — you just can't see it until you need it. No real change there other than aesthetics.

I think the underlying trend here is actually how the scope of home computing is changing. The PC is in many ways dying, and moving to touch interface and inter-connectivity. Gaming itself has almost entirely shifted to console-based play (hence the Xbox interface being integrated into W8.)

That's a good point. I'm guessing though, that this was a big factor in keeping the alternative legacy desktop interface around — granted this is a half answer because the start button is still gone.

Not a legit answer, but Windows+F

It should ship with this song playing at all times in the UI.

I'm not trying to troll here but... isn't an iron a hand-held steamer?

My reaction exactly.

lol and here I thought I was the only one nabbing the free hangers.

(I think) the article was trying to indicate that some materials are sensitive to water and can become damaged by a typical cleaning. Since the "perc" doesn't contain water, it doesn't mingle with the fibers in such a way that it can cause damage. The material never actually becomes "wet". That's my understanding


As Touchstone said, there is a full desktop interface that can be swapped in/out of metro on the fly.

Reminds me of the washing machines with a brick thrown inside.

Agreed. I laughed several times. The homosexuality quip at the start was especially sharp.

Wow, that thing is gorgeous... too bad it would probably cost upwards of $1000 :(

I assume he was referring to how it gets watered-down as it melts. Personally, I never use ice.