
Honestly? As a shy person I can say that it totally does work. Human beings are weird.

Self-righteous and judgemental? I admit it. This is something I'm passionate about.

No way. I work in education, and I meet too many stressed-out, unhappy teachers. Some frustration is normal and healthy. Harbouring so much resentment and anger that you call a kid an asshole and wish you could hit them is not. It's damaging to the child and a waste of an adult career that could be more happily spent

So, you advocate hitting children and refer to them as "little a-hole"? Maybe you should consider a career change.

Only vaguely related, but I once dated a guy who was, putting it mildly, a bit clueless. One day I mentioned that although I loved my high heels, they hurt to walk in. He was surprised, and said it had never occurred to him that heels might be painful. He was serious, bless. I said, very lightly "Well, a lot of lady

Oh, Kanye. No one is buying it.

Well, the snobs, prudes, and time-travelling Victorians have a point: Victoria's Secret IS hella tacky.

I always feel weirdly protective of Heidi Montag. Like, even though she's an idiot, I really want her to get her shit together and make good, maybe go back to college...I have no idea why. It's weird.

This article makes it sound like only women experience Hybristophilia, but that's not so - Karla Homolka, who is both a killer and a conventionally attractive woman, had groupies in prison and is now married with three children. Mary Bell was also an object of desire while in prison. And while there are certainly a

SUCH A PRETTY DRESS! Samantha Cameron's that is.


40,000 strands of tessellated hair, and they still can't make boobs that respond realistically to gravity?

What? She didn't invent this! Versions of this device have been around since at least the 1930s, and probably much longer than that.

Does anyone know if studies have been done on suppressing menstruation as a means of prolonging fertility? I mean, if you don't lose an egg every month, would that mean you have more eggs for longer? It seems logical, but I'm probably oversimplifying in a big way.

Hang on, now - this study didn't say that napping causes cognitive decline, just that daytime sleepiness and needing excessive sleep might be an early predictor.

It's easy to feel that way after you know someone is a killer, but I don't think you can tell by looking. Awhile ago I saw a really interesting art exhibit where the photographer took closeups of a bunch of girls between 14 and 19. Each one was posed and lit exactly the same way, just like a school photo. Half the

You might want to have a look at primal/paleo style eating (Mark's Daily Apple is my favourite free resource). It's anecdotal, of course, but there are a lot of PCOS ladies over there who have found it really helpful. I'm insulin resistant and primal really helped to get my blood sugar under control

Social Media sort of had the opposite effect for me. A childhood of bullying and a young adulthood of low self esteem and anxiety issues left me feeling like I was hideous and gross. Seeing myself over and over on Facebook, from a variety of cameras and angles, finally made me realize that I'm a normal looking person.

Oh, good. Another rehash of Beauty and the Beast. Because men are dumb and brutal, and it's our job as women to make the into human beings, amirite ladies? Thanks for keeping it original, MTV!

What? But gender violence is ADORABLE when it's perpetrated by women! And besides, turning dumb, brutal men into functioning members of society is our job! Haven't you ever read a fairy tale?