As a researcher that specializes in game design methodology myself, this is just really sad news. For me, I would love to have the resources one day to make exhaustive studies in, say, how particular genres developed in terms of gameplay.
As a researcher that specializes in game design methodology myself, this is just really sad news. For me, I would love to have the resources one day to make exhaustive studies in, say, how particular genres developed in terms of gameplay.
I haven’t, but I am just going to hunt for beetles the hard way. I already spared myself most of the grinding, so a little bit of grinding is not that dramatic I think. Plus, so far I have found only one armour set that actually requires beetles, so eh, it’s fine.
Me too. Love the old duplication glitch. Too bad I suck at using it with beetles.
20 million huh. I cannot help but wonder whether that is a “cost of operation” or an actual significant fine in this case.
Yeah, at the time of writing I am hovering at a solid 600 or so? Pretty sure I will hit 999 naturally in the course of my playthrough too.
But I still think that advice is relevant though. Like you, I too had lack of arrows in the beginning of the game and saved a lot of resources by throwing everything. Now arrows…
Whatever man. If I have to be a hypocrite to tell people like you that having to stay silent if a solution is not to be expected is dumb, I will gladly be one.
Oh, and in response to your initial comment: the dungeons of TOTK are only marginally better than BOTW, but only because they have bosses that don’t follow a…
So THIS is what happens when you ultrahand a PS5 controller to a Switch screen, huh!
We will see just how well this statement ages in... 1 month, I guess.
They have already found glitches that don’t delete items and/or require you to rearrange your inventory.
There are already dupe methods that don’t delete items it seems.
Only 1300? Damn, man, that’s nothing. Just wait until you get to the fun stuff.
*cost of upgrading one piece of equipment to four stars. Not set, no, one piece of equipment: 760 rupees in total. Great fairies seem to have learned since BOTW that if you can do something well, you should never do it for free.
*cost of…
I am tempted to do it on stuff that is more busywork than anything. Rupees (since great fairies ask for a lot of cash now to upgrade gear) and batteries in particular, so diamonds and big zonaite come to mind. Neither of these are particularly fun to grind.
Plus, I am already milking my amiibo for all they are worth,…
As if Nintendo ever listens to anyone. Let people complain if they want to, even if change is not to be expected.
Oh come on man, you and I both know he is talking about *new* experiences using the old template. I know I was always looking forward to stellar design labyrinthine dungeons in every new Zelda game, and while I like the open world games a lot, they just don’t scratch that itch. Not even remotely.
“Oh, just replay the…
Eh, not surprised. Zelda TOTK sold more in 3 days than their best selling classic 3d Zelda did in its entire lifetime, and the game is fun, no denying that.
I vote that we should all buy second hand on masse. History has already proven that gamers have a distinct inability to vote with their wallets, so if we just let them have the initial buyers, we can at least deny them the follow up buyers.
She replaced the entire furniture with her stuff. All my weapon/shield/bow stands are completely gone. She totally appropriated it.
I think it actually doesn’t fit the design of the game. The game is about having the freedom to do whatever the hell you want to; the ability to experiment just naturally comes from that. Forcing you to switch to weapons you don’t even want to use, because your favourite weapons just shattered into a thousand pieces…
Yeah, I hate this durability thing. I hated it in BOTW and while I hate it less this time around, I still hate it. The most common defense people use is that this supposedly forces you to use your entire inventory, but I have said it time and time again; what if I don’t wanna do that? For a game that purports to be…
Thanks for that info. I had found the misko guys too, but since the treasure in BOTW was lame, I decided against it.