
No love for Mattison’s quest? Shame on thee.

Is getting the weapon back still annoying though? I sucked at catching my weapons in BOTW, so I just ignored them considering the ease at which you could get new weapons anyway.

Special controls, as far as I know, are only put there once you find the corresponding tutorial teaching you about it (and perhaps also when you do it once by yourself, but I haven’t had the time to test that). Until that time, you are stuck with questionmarks there.

Absolutely agree there. It does a better job at teaching stuff than BOTW does (who even kept the basic combat mechanics hidden until you got to Kakariko), but that’s not saying a lot. I found the how to throw your item shrine by absolute chance (and actually accidentally figured out how to throw stuff before that), so

My tips:
If you can, throw shit, don’t attach it to arrows. Arrows are super useful, too useful even, so running out of them when you do need to hit something from afar sucks a lot. Since everything is done with normal arrows now (through fusing shenanigans), fire/ice/bomb arrows now use normal arrows as a base. In

Heh, my first encounter with them was right out of a comedy show, so every time I see them now, I just get a chuckle.

I was trying to make short work of an enemy camp right after I had exited the tutorial area, and decided that a good way of doing that was attaching a flame thrower to my shield and just burning

I wouldn’t use the word wild though, considering “men of such status and influence” making sweeping and wildly inaccurate claims has been a staple of Twitter since 2016, if not earlier. Let’s not forget one of those actually had his stubby little fingers on the nuclear buttons for four years, precisely because he was

Supposing he has enough money to do that. Considering his criminal record and the fact that his income will always automatically 30% less, my guess is that he won’t. Ever. I reckon the only way he would be able to get out of this is to become homeless. I.e. to have no income to begin with.

Upvoted, because this post made me laugh and cry and the same time.

I would not call it fake AI, unless the AI is completely scripted, which the AI agents in Dark souls are definitely not. More like really dumb AI, because while they may be able to find their way in the environment, they make for pretty crappy conversational partners.

Yeah, Sony deserves the shit they get for this decision. I mean, certainly, they don’t owe anyone the DLC, but if they didn’t want to get shit for this decision, they shouldn’t have been double dipping as hard as they have the past few years and then suddenly decide that one of the major titles they were double

I hope ascend is not situational. BOTW makes me think it’s not, but I’ve been let down before. Plus, it’s nifty, sure, but if this game has much rain as BOTW, it’s no replacement for rain proofing tools or such. Caves that lead deep enough into the structures/mountains are likely not going to be *that* common.

So the gameplay looks fun, I’m sure the zonai name drops will make a lot of fans happy, but I’m just hoping it doesn’t become too gimmicky. Like “having 5 base weapons and having to stick increasingly nutty stuff to it” gimmicky. The idea of experimentation is nice, but finding new stuff in the world is also a large

Oh boy, the more I see of this title, the more this weird suspicion creeps up that this game is gonna be gimmicky as hell. Still gonna get it on launch date, of course, I am a very good sheep in that way, but still have some misgivings about the earlier shown rock bird air skateboard, and now this makeshift... car?

Had a feeling this would be the case. When I saw the showcase videos, I just couldn’t find something that excited me.

...I will probably get it when the price drops a bit and I have reduced my backlog a bit.


...hope it has a war room too. And now I need to see if my DS still works and boot up Dual Strike (and suck at that too,

No to mention the metric crapton of middleware. For instance, no one in their right mind would model entire forests in this day and age anymore, nor place them by hand.

It would be, if that static pricing wasn’t offset by the ton of other schemes they concocted instead. Hell, if it meant they would stop microtransactions, premium DLC, tiered editions, preorder bonusses and everything else they have been getting away with for the last decade on premium games, I would gladly even pay a

No love for Sony as a company here, considering the shit they have done in the past, but seriously Spencer, fuck off. There is a massive difference between buying a company that has been making games for your console for a number of years and only does that and buying up a massive publisher that has a crapton of other

Gameplay loop and whatnot. Basically, the cycle where you perform a gameplay action and then get rewarded/punished based on the result. Perhaps I should have called it that instead; I tend to overuse the word gameflow and it doesn’t help it’s a bit of a generic term to begin with either.