
Easy mod user here and I couldn’t disagree more. It’s with the mod that I’m finally having fun with the game, much more than I had before. Now I’m finally thinking about what area to explore next and what enemy to tackle next. I’m actually looking forward to playing the game now when I have some time.

So, serious question here; what is the cost in time here? Time is a valuable commodity as well and while some will see this spiritual thing you mentioned, I know that I am mostly like “eurgh, more gardening” and would rather not perform physical labor after a long day of work when I can just pass out on the cough,

Yes, lift piracy laws in a country that basically pirates everything anyway! That will show ‘em!

...though I did find it funny that when I did a quick search to make sure I can claim this without impunity, I found that while Russian people visit piracy sites a lot, they are not actually the number one! Heh, you learn

That’s cute. I am playing the game offline. How does your statement hold true for me?

Before reading this article I wasn’t aware of the term kid aggro. Love it.

Bahahaha, my kid doesn’t even give me 5 seconds. Especially not when she suddenly decides she needs to know what dad is doing, and does so by standing directly in front of me. She has a strange talent for blocking line of sight.

And knowing Nintendo, that will be never. A shame too, since these guys actually do a lot of interesting technical work way before it gets popular too. So basically, the only thing we can really rely on is personal game development experience, which is primarily what I based my answer on in the first place.

I kinda doubt that. First of all, they use the same engine they have been using for BOTW with very little modifications if the style is anything to go by so that saves them the engine for the most part (which had to be made for BOTW, since that was their first open world game). The enemy designs from the trailer heavil

I saw the headline and thought “finally the release date for BOTW2 is known!” and now I am disappointed.

Excited since despite all its shortcomings (and there were plenty), Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was still a blast to play. Still, I am going to wait it out. I found Xenoblade Chronicles 2 a lot more palatable with the DLC as it removed a lot of the tedium in the game (like raising trust) and I would hate for that to be the

No, no, no, not piracy. “decentralized” is what you need here. 

“The end game is about giving players the opportunity to resell their items once they’re finished with them or they’re finished playing the game itself.”

Oh, here we go again. Wasn’t this the same last time when gamers(tm) cried betrayal when game developers shared tricks they used to make their games better? Just stick to playing if you cannot be bothered to read up on game development processes.

No idea. I would like to think that is illegal, but even if it is, Activision can make up just about any other excuse to fire them anyway. After all, Activision has fired plenty of people just to up the profits, and that was completely legal apparently.

I would have loved to agree with you, but having see the world the last, say, 6 or so years, I am going to have to disagree.

Is anyone surprised by this? I for one ain’t.

The problem here is also that if the non-QA people have been indoctrinated that unions are coming for their wages in the form of expensive fees and whatnot, it will be a hard battle to get all the necessary votes. Considering ABK hired union busting firms, I am pretty sure

Well, I guess that’s one way to deal with Microsoft snagging up major publishers and developers everywhere (which they will continue doing, no doubt) and the realization that this means many titles may stop coming to the Playstation platform.

Thanks! I tried the Korok mask in my previous playthrough. While I did find quite a few, I don’t think I ever got more than 300 in total.

Yesterday I cursed out a Stalmoblin. Bastard popped up right when I was trying to pop balloons right along a cliffside. He got me with his club and knocked me right off the edge.

Ooh, that makes sense! That solves the problem of me having a bit of trouble imagining crypto nonsense as a pyramid scheme.

The poo, of course, is collected through a guide. I am in awe of anyone who can find those 900 bastards by themselves, but I sure as hell am not one of those. Long live interactive maps!