
So I am playing this game again, doing my usual thing of “become homeowner, get weapon installations and make cool pictures of weapons for my compendium, yes, even you, savage lynel weapons” and this time I have decided to go a bit further and make a pretty complete game. So I am collecting all 900 of the poo as well.

How this hasn’t been identified as a pyramid scheme is beyond me.

In the US you mean? Probably for the same reason multi level marketing is still legal. That being said, I do actually have a bit of trouble imagining crypto nonsense as a pyramid scheme though. It’s nonsense, to be sure, but it’s less about funneling

To be fair, it isn’t just our fault. Certainly, “voting with your wallet” should have been applied way, way more often and we should not have defended companies for doing bad shit when those same companies would drop us like a bad habit if we weren’t profitable anymore, but even that will only get us so far. It would

So with game market consolidation, the pandemic being projected to continue until 2024 (which I am sure is in no small part due to all the anti-vaxxers), scalpers making services to make scalping easier and every game company and their dog desperate to join the NFT scam, 2022 is off to a great start, isn’t it?

For your first point: why not? We all know the intended targets are lost causes, but I also don’t think that that means everyone should just stay quiet. If there is one thing I noticed about these intended targets; they don’t actually like opposition. They scream the hardest for freedom of expression and cry the

Only a gold coffee mug? You are dreaming, man, dream bigger.

That would be your job, wouldn’t it? As much as tongue in cheek this reply is, what the whole talk boiled down towards is that SE basically wants to utilize people who make fan content. In other words, SE wants the people to make the game for them. That’s what I got from it at least.

I find it funny that all the people posting in defense of NFTs also seem to be utterly incapable of answering any of the replies to them.

Not complaining, just not looking forward to it anymore. Certainly, discounts are always nice, but the point is that the reason that I looked forward to the big steam sales before is that there was a time that developers would really stunt with their prices. Or at least, that’s what it felt like to me. Now, it’s just

I... don’t look forward to the massive sales anymore. I remember a time when I budgeted the Christmas sales into my yearly “let’s buy some games” schedule, but...

Considering even the Ubisoft developers don’t see the point of this, I’m pretty sure they just half assed it to get Yves of their back.

Woah, that requires between 2-3 hours of gaming PER DAY.

...and I just found out I already have this game in my library. I should really remember what games I claim for free.

*Looks at massive library out of which exactly 2 games were bought. Gives up immediately*

Ah damn, so it was Remnant that I missed. I was hoping it was a dud.

But does it have a toaster?

...and why is this not a game yet?

...what does hip hoppy walk even mean? If this is supposed to be some white-man explanation for how black people walk, can someone enlighten me to what kind of walk we are talking about? Because while I am white enough to blind people on the beach, I have absolutely no idea how to imagine a “hip hoppy” walk.

At this point I feel like expecting Geoff to criticize his corporate overlords directly is like expecting Kotick will actually step down, considering that the game awards advisory board has all the companies recently accused of rampant abuse on board, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the rest is just as guilty but just

Then... why did you buy it? Honestly curious. The hardware has already been out 4 years, so it’s not like information regarding the games on the hardware is hard to find. Unless you bought the machine at launch, which is never a good idea unless you are a massive fan of the Zelda series.

“consider”, huh. Not even “he will quit” but he will “consider” it. That’s some weak-ass commitment right there. Not surprised though. If he couldn’t be bothered to deal with it for his entire tenure, why would he start now? The shareholders are certainly not jumping to get rid of him.