Awesome. Since co-op is included in the whole “hate people” thing, guess I won’t have to worry anymore then.
Awesome. Since co-op is included in the whole “hate people” thing, guess I won’t have to worry anymore then.
May get this one. I do hope there will be options that allow me to prevent PvP, since I suck at games and hate people, but otherwise I will just turn off the internet connection while playing.
It’s always so heartwarming to hear from a guy who was born with a silver spoon in his arse, who likely had to fight for absolutely nothing, to hear how it’s apparently men’s masculinity that is under fire.
Chappelle continues to believe that he is some sort of martyr to the culture wars
Woof. It’s one thing to just don the nazi regalia (still highly ignorant), and another thing entirely to also name your nazi bar “unfair” on top of that. I want to chalk it up to the usual Japanese ignorance of these matters, but either this is the most inconvenient combination ever, or someone did this entirely on…
This seems like a kind of questionable study. Sample size is decent and the heart monitor idea is pretty okay, but I got to wonder how they gathered participants and the quality of said heart monitors. Like seriously, don’t call yourselves researchers when you don’t even post an in-depth description of your research…
The sad thing is that even if you voted with your dollars, Activision would still get your money.
To be fair, I really cannot think of any country that has in recent history really screwed a company hard with fines.
Or perhaps he is being honest! You know, in the sense of returning to his commitment of not giving a single shit the moment Activision gets out of the spotlight and hiring the token person of color every now and then to be able to claim the inclusive part of that workplace of his.
18 mill, huh. Wanna bet that Activision now totally becomes the good guy after they had to pay that obviously superduper high settlement? Yes, I for one am completely sure that a company whose revenue totaled 8 billion last year, did nothing but look the other way up until now, is devastated enough by 18 million…
Eh, I ended up getting Tales of Arise and Scarlet Nexus together anyway.
Serious question. I couldn’t help but notice Tales of Arise is not on here; is it not all that good a game? I know the list is from August, but you guys did mention you updated it. I was thinking of getting it together with Scarlet Nexus, but now I’m wondering whether I should get a different game instead.
Or they come back to you, thinking that you would love to get your thankless job back because obviously, you must have loved it. With the same pay of course.
On a different note: beef bowls with cheese sound amazing and now I want one. Wonder if my area has something like that.
Press R2 and L2 to avoid falling over, at intervals the game decides by itself, but is made more prevalent if you carry more. They may not be throwing button prompts in your face, but that’s still pretty quicktimey to me.
I will fight anyone who honestly thought this game was “good” and that turning the act of movement into a cumbersome quicktime event was a good idea. Also, as someone who has delivered mail for almost 8 years, I cannot help but laugh at MULEs. A group of people addicted to delivering mail? Pfffft. Not even weird game…
“Here is a list of 20 essential 90's anime you should totally see!”
Half of the list is either completely blocked or made “unavailable” for the region.
I really don’t like the graphical design of the world. It feels so... unfinished. Sure, the Switch is not capable of games like Horizon Zero Dawn or whatnot, but there are enough examples of open world games on Switch being done right, and it feels like GameFreak has observed exactly 0 of them. There is no consistency…
It’s nice that this time the government is also stepping in (though I have my doubts of the effectiveness of the US government), but lets not kid ourselves thinking that this is going to be this big massive reckoning of a big corporate evil overlord or anything.
I doubt it will have any meaningful consequences. Activision loves money after all; they are not going to terminate management staff they deem profitable. I bet that these evaluations will be decided by “but the manager said he didn’t do anything, so we are going to believe him,” then pulling a Ubisoft by firing a few…