
Guys, guys, Kotick sends his staff the game industry equivalent of thoughts and prayers, so everything is a-okay now!

Heh, I am actually doing a bit of research on the whole “does sheer graphical detail actually have a measurable impact on immersion and whatnot” thing, and if preliminary results are anything to go by, there doesn’t seem to be much of a positive increase. Sure, this is still very early, so results can still change,

I wonder if this is going to be the “thoughts and prayers” thing for the game industry and their track record with sexual harassment. Like, say how much you regret shit happened, then feel good about yourself for admitting you are kind of a massive dick (or at least an ignorant one) and then move on like you just

I wouldn’t be surprised if those Call of Duty players would just ignore the news or even outright deny it. I mean, I could be wrong, but some quick Google searches seem to indicate that CoD has a lot of Trump supporters playing it. The exact kind of people who immediately start acting like victims by crying something

Singaporeans were more likely to live with their parents late into their 20s, so they could do without the raises, HR’s reasoning might go

What the F, Ubisoft. I know companies generally try to skimp on employee wages as much as possible (companies like Ubi anyways), but if the best excuse you can conjure doesn’t

Anything that puts EA in the spotlight is automatically worse. Especially if it concerns the lottery formerly known as Fifa.

On one hand, I am kind of interested, but on the other hand that $399 price tag is really hard to swallow. Valve may be complaining that they take a hit on each console sold, but $399 is a bit much to ask when I already have a Switch and a gaming PC to begin with.

Well, if that’s really the case, then I guess my days of buying new games will be over. I highly doubt such a model will completely replace games, but if it does, well, I guess I will trade in that parrot and eyepatch for a cane and bench, so I can wave it angrily at kids walking by.

Hahahaha! None. I am paying for exactly 0 subscriptions. I don’t have the money nor the time to justify a continuous subscription to something I may or may not play, depending on what’s available to play to begin with and for how long, during the very little time I have left after I get off of work.

Frankly, I found it more telling that she deemed it fit to apologize for hurting feelings, while not taking the post down. Sure, impulse posting is dumb and she should have clearly not sent it. But even if that’s the case, there is a delete button for a reason. She could have at least had the sense to use it.

Even if the Pro version is a thing (it could be, Nintendo has brought out stronger iterations of hardware before, even if it’s not common), I am pretty sure if they had announced it during their E3 digital event, it would have probably dominated the story. I am pretty glad they chose to focus on games instead

“My post was in no way intended to be insensitive to their truth.”

Why would it crash? I can only see it crashing if some someone forgot to check whether the ad data loaded in was valid and not a null pointer, and that would be a stupid mistake to begin with. Not to mention that a null pointer error can happen anywhere in the game and is not in any way exclusive to loading in data

They will simply pad the load time. Like start a loading screen and not continue/start the actual loading until the ad is finished. This is something that can be done really easily.

Yeah, no. You were going really well until that last part, where you completely ignored the behemoth that became big solely on public domain works. That is my main problem here; Disney essentially killed the public domain for an entire generation, or more.

Sure, it looks pretty and it it didn’t have the Avatar name, would definitely be on my list (I am just not a fan of the movie, if that wasn’t clear).

Yep, just like how at one time, they were put off by horse armor DLC so much it became a running joke at the time. Or how people were put off by microtransactions in premium games. Or how they were put off by loot-boxes. Or pre-order bonuses. Etcetera, etcetera.

I really have no words here. I would make a quip about how screwed up it is that you are getting bombarded with commercials everywhere, but I feel that if I speak up about it, I will be considered “old” just for remembering a time when smartphones and tablets were not everywhere.

Wait, wait, wait.

I think the combined story (spoilers follow!) describes the Lombaxes as this sort of “we invent a ton of crap” species and that due to a certain danger, they all decided to hide in a specific dimension using one of the tools they made, the Dimensionator. That was the PS3 games’ reasoning, more specifically, the