I wonder if this is also causing 3D studio Max to go weird. I mean, 3DSMax seems to hate me with a passion, but the last few weeks have been especially annoying.
I wonder if this is also causing 3D studio Max to go weird. I mean, 3DSMax seems to hate me with a passion, but the last few weeks have been especially annoying.
Steam sales to me are interesting. I used to be like that, that I scoured the whole sale to see if there was anything even remotely interesting at a good discount. That was actually not all that long ago, 4 years tops. Nowadays, I just check my wishlist on a Steam sale, see that all the games get their “usual”…
It seems I indeed missed this is for voice chat. So I am just going to shut up now and gracefully bow out of this discussion.
Sure, if they can actually show an AI that would indeed be able to check nuance and context and acts accordingly, that would be neat. Hell, it wouldn’t even have to be perfected; just show that they are working on something like that and I would be all for it.
No, what I want is companies using actual humans rather than algorithms to do the work for them. Because until the day comes they actually manage to develop an algorithm that can figure out you are actually black and the context in which you use the n-word is different from other people, among a wide variety of other…
You know what would be nice? If any of these algorythms would just ban the people altogether rather than dancing around the problem because companies don’t want to appear bad, but really really realllllllllllly like that sweet sweet racist/nazi/<*insert random type of asshole> cash.
While I understand your point, I really doubt this service will be so sophisticated that it could distinguish between a tongue in cheek comment meant for fun and actual hate/name calling. What I think is more likely, is that this “most” setting is basically just turning off certain words some rando at Intel thought…
Yeap, I am really feeling the problems with the PS5 not being able to play PS3 games and older now. I still have a sizeable PS3 collection that I come back to every now and then (for instance, the Ratchet and Clank games are still amazing) and recently my PS3 is starting to show signs of hardware failure. Not to…
I beg to differ. Certainly, a major overhaul of copyright law will require a ton of research, but even before that, one simple thing can be done to lessen the damage currently done; simply make the copyright period shorter. Copyright law is not a zero sum game; just because we feel change is necessary doesn’t mean we…
Nah, I don’t think it’s reasonable. Not anymore at least. The fact that the holders are able to do what they do is more than enough proof of that. Copyright law used to be only afforded for a long enough time that someone could sell they work without someone else copying it and doing the same. The original copyright…
Nope. Case in point: I just found out about the weapon thanks to you, despite having maxed what I thought were all the weapons for the game when I bought it.
While I would normally agree with you somewhat, isn’t it the case here that EA has basically got a monopoly on the sports? I remember Konami losing a lot of major licenses for their PES series, and I don’t really know of any other major soccer franchise other than those two (that deal with soccer, not managing it at…
You know, I didn’t know what kike meant either before this article. When looking it up, Google told me that it was a slur aimed at Jewish people. I also had to look up Micky Arison and lo and behold, he happens to be of Israeli descent. This either is one massive coincedence, or Leonard is full of shit when saying “he…
I am just a little bit different in that sense. I nowadays play games purely on easy mode, due to lack of time and the same reason you described, in that passing a particularly stressful part of the game never results in me getting that euphoria everyone is always on about. I only get more stress, of which I already…
Legend of Mana’s soundtrack is still easily my favorite work of Shimomura ever. Yes, I think this is better than the Kingdom Hearts works. I will still whistle like a madman when “The Wind Sings of a Journey” plays, to the chagrin of both my neighbors and my wife.
Looking at the trailer, it felt to me like the game was actually not that far ahead yet. The battle system bits in the trailer were entirely the scorpion battle, making it feel to me like they are still in the prototyping battles stage and spent more time on making the prerendered 3D environments from the original…
The trailer starts off almost immediately mentioning it will be episodic (at around 0:16).
PS4/5? Make it PS5/6 and whatever successor the Switch will have considering the speed they are going at, and all the side/main Final Fantasy projects they are working on.
I am not sure there will be gacha elements. The trailer starts off mentioning it will be episodic. I mean, sure, you could force gacha elements into it, but it seems unlikely. Then again, SE likes money as well, so perhaps I will be proven wrong. Hope I won’t though.
Dammit, Ever Crisis is exactly what I wanted out of a remake of Final Fantasy VII, moreso than the retelling that is Final Fantasy VII Remake. It sucks this has to be mobile only for the time being, and episodic to boot as well.