
Way to put words in my mouth dude. I never said people shouldn’t be paid fairly. I said that the added value to the game doesn’t justify a full price tag. In fact, I would argue that by lowering the price, Nintendo may actually be getting more sales since there will be inevitably many more people who share my

Yeah, and a remaster is cheaper to make than a full game. Looking at comparisons, it seems that mostly the textures were upgraded and the game got anti aliasing. If they worked like pros, they would have likely made those textures at high quality and scaled them down to begin with. There doesn’t seem to be much of an

Joining Axetwin. Sorry.

Be glad they didn’t try to tide you over with Phantom Hourglass. Because Nintendo got a trademark for that not too long ago, so I am pretty damn sure we will be seeing that this or next year.

Final Fantasy VIII?
Final Fantasy X-2?
Final Fantasy II?

I see your point. I am curious too. Are the sword controls mapped 1:1 to the analog stick (with pressing the analog stick for a stab perhaps), or are there just a few hardcoded inputs in the major “video game” angles (i.e. 0, 45, 90, 135 and so on)? Because the video heavily implies the latter, but going from my

As much as I immediately started looking forward to it even though I totally didn’t want to, here’s how that Direct will likely go.

Because many in the GOP are hate-filled, disgusting and immoral people themselves? That’s the message I got at least watching 4 years of the circus that was politics under Trump.

I for one am not surprised Trump waxing poetic about wine. I mean, sure, even if he didn’t drink alcohol (not sure whether that was actually observed fact or his usual non-true bluster), wine is one of the primary bragging tools to claim you are rich. So of course Trump has or had his own winery (whether it’s bankrupt

Really, the only correct GIF in this situation.

You are right!

Bahahaha! You know the first thing I did when I took the Regalia to the skies?

You would think that someone who is a lawyer would know that free speech means exactly jack shit in this case, considering Dominion is a private company and doesn’t have to take his slander. I mean, sure, fooling the voters is one thing, considering they will believe anything as long as it fits with their fantasy

That was Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter (technically Breath of Fire 5, considering that Capcom never released a Breath of Fire explicitely numbered 5, but did release Breath of Fire 6 as a mobile game), and in that case our opinions couldn’t be more different. To me it’s still one of the best JRPGs of that generation.


Konami is desperate to stay relevant among the gamers, even if they don’t actually do any game development other than mobile games these days (because staying relevant is one thing, but they want to stay relevant without spending too much money). It’s not just gamers either, they want to stay relevant among the pros

Capcom only updates their profitable IPs. I mean, sure, they have done an amazing job on the RE remasters, but let’s not start hoping they will ever remember they had an IP by the name of “Breath of Fire.” They decided to completely abandon that IP after Dragon Quarter, with number 6 being an unfortunate victim of the

I think it was Metal Gear Survive? You know, the game that everyone basically forgot about the next day after it was released? The same game that thought it still had enough goodwill from consumers that it felt it could get away with selling you save slots as micro-transactions?

“We have not shut down our video gaming division.”

Those spells are in the game, but I can see why you never bothered, considering that to my knowledge you require quite a few items to even get to that level, as well as upgrades to the elemancy tree (though I am not too certain on that last one). Not to mention that if you don’t have friendly fire nullification, even

*almost* all DLC. Square Enix deemed it necessary to not make the final Episode Ardyn DLC available to those who bought the Royal edition. At the very least, I didn’t get it when I got mine.