“What are you going to do when you’re married and stressed? Tell your wife that you need to play Xbox?”
“What are you going to do when you’re married and stressed? Tell your wife that you need to play Xbox?”
So the two games I am willing to buy the console for are still set to a vague “2021.” That’s a shame.
A spine? I am pretty sure the only reason why, for instance, Twitter basically allowed everything Trump said (and what would get a normal account banned without a second thought) up until now was good old cash. They did this on purpose and only decided to take action when the negatives were getting too negative…
Nintendo would have never agreed to partner with Microsoft in the sense that they would delegate hardware production and just become a game developer, because that is basically misunderstanding the core philosophy behind Nintendo. They don’t see themselves as a game developer; they see themselves as a toy company who…
It’s hardly surprising Nintendo had a character creator for Breath of the Wild. I mean, what developer in their right mind would not have a character creator for their big open world games? Character modelling is a massive time consuming pain in the butt and unless you want your NPCs to look like 5 groups of reskins,…
To be fair, going by that comment I really have to believe you don’t quite understand speedrunning. I am no expert myself, but even I know that there are speedrunning categories in games. No holds barred, using any glitch you can is just one category. That doesn’t mean they have given up on traditional runs; that is…
I don’t quite agree with you. You can argue that using any glitch is basically cheating, because glitches are never intentionally added by developers. It’s what allowed speedrunners to break Zelda Ocarina of Time down to less than 20 minutes after all. This is why speedrunning categories exist. There are complete…
I love Dragon Quarter to death, still think it’s one of the best JRPGs to pop out during the PS2 era. Such a shame it was utterly panned by other fans; I would have loved to see more games with that specific kind of gameplay.
This game is a dear favorite of mine back from the SNES age. I still remember that I was scouring all these toy store catalogues to see if they had something of interest (since during that time, apart from second hand, stores specifically meant for games were basically non-existent in my country) and finding this…
“VR could be the next big thing if people would get over themselves, shut up and start playing it.”
I am sure Trump has a solution that will piss everyone off again. Like hijacking vaccine shipments that were meant for other countries! I mean, he has done it before. Nothing stopping him from doing it again, considering no one even dares to put a leash on this blowhard.
I doubt it could lead to that. I think the best they could do is try to take down RetroArch. I couldn’t find anything of RetroArch being a Microsoft product, so my guess is this was not necessarily Microsoft’s intention. Then again, I know very little about RetroArch and the guys who made it, so I could be wrong.
I don’t think it would be that easy. Bluepoint games is known for their remakes and remasters, but they are not exactly well known for their original content. While I can see them adding a few extra armor sets to the game without upsetting the overall balance, I really cannot see them doing the same thing with an…
For me it’s the XBOX360. Not because it’s a bad console, but because I bought it off of someone who really wanted to get rid of it, and basically gave the thing to me, during a time when the next gen consoles were already out, and in Japan to boot (I am sure we all know about the marvelous XBOX support in Japan). At…
When have official announcements ever stopped people from thinking up ridiculous things?
Aha, didn’t know that. Ah well, too bad I guess.
So, are you allowed to comment on the rumor that the remake was going to bring back areas that were axed from the original? I.e. is the broken archstone still broken, or did we get a 6th environment?
There are a few titles I am interested in, though the one I am anticipating most would be Horizon Forbidden West. I know it’s not PS5 exclusive anymore, but that would be my most anticipated title. I really loved the first game, enough so that this game by itself is enough for me to get the console. A close second…
So now the obvious question is; is this going to be ridden with micro-transactions and other nickle-and-dime’ing tactics like most (if not all) of Ubisoft’s other offerings? Because the game looks legit interesting, since more BOTW type game-play is definitely something I can get behind.
Dammit, that deserves a star. That deserves all the stars, but I can unfortunately only click it once.