
Damn, it’s a strawman. I was totally for calling this “corporate fallacy” or something.

“a free-to-play action-RPG that came out this week for PC, PlayStation 4, and mobile”

And don’t forget microtransactions, lootboxes, DLC, tiered editions, battle passes, preorder bonusses, (multiple) season passes, sponsorship deals and so on and on and on, because that’s the one thing everyone always conveniently forgets to mention when they peddle the narrative that “game prices have remained stagnant

Let’s see.

I don’t really get this. I understand that tips can be handy; I like ‘em myself sometimes as well, but there are more ways of giving the player advice them cramming them solely into a loading screen. A loading screen is not a good thing, it’s a thing we want as little of as possible. If they really need to show tips

That describes Nintendo fans too though, though they don’t aim their death threats at the developers, but rather at reviewers who won’t reviewer the games with perfect scores. I still remember the massive drama Jim Sterling got for his Breath of the Wild review. He received plentiful death threats, had his site

They had me at Horizon 2. Everything else is just icing on the cake.


I have completely disconnected myself from anything TLoU2 related. While not entirely successful, so far I have been able to avoid most spoilers. I only need hold out for a few more weeks.

Would it? We could also easily assume that if he had pulled over from the getgo, his life may have been in more danger because there wasn’t anyone around to defend him. We have seen plenty of stories of officers shooting black people and then making up some bogus excuse about how dangerous the black person was and how

I am not actually all that worried about subtitles. What I am worried about is the entire interface and everything else being in Japanese without an option to change it, especially since this game is set in Japan making it a perfect excuse to just not include any English text.

Yes, I still need this game. I only hope that the Japanese version of the game allows for English text. sucks that Sony basically disabled all manners of contacting them regarding these questions due to Covid 19. Perhaps I should go bother Sucker Punch on their Facebook page.

Gah! I really hope she isn’t like the original then, where her black curse could bring even the final bosses to their knees quite easily. Not to mention she is basically the only reliable healer in that game.

But while they were waiting for an answer from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Polis reached a deal with a private company for 500 ventilators to be sent to the state. Once FEMA got word of the state deal, the federal agency stepped in to prevent that contract from going through so it could acquire the

...what in the actual hell?! The headline wasn’t a joke?!

To be fair, this is not entirely on 45, though he sure isn’t helping. Stupidity is a worldwide constant and stupidity’s latest trend happens to be the Corona virus. Here in Japan I haven’t seen a single toilet paper roll for the better part of 2 weeks now, because some Japanese tweet claimed that the majority of

Eh, anyone could have seen this coming.

Because there are about 22 Amiibo that are compatible with the game. Out of these 22 Amiibo, 13 Amiibo had exclusive costumes/goods gated behind them, the costumes being a homage to the older games and therefore something many fans would want to have. The costumes may not have had unique abilities, but they are still

Actually, the set effects are not unique to Fierce Diety set. The Fierce Diety set is basically a cooler looking Barbarian set, which you can just find normally in the game. Not to mention that the main effect of the Fierce Diety set (attack boost) can easily be gotten with foods as well (which was for me the reason

Comparatively, Japan seems to be more progressive than other Asian countries, as it seems to have a history of at least not minding homosexuality. Sexual orientation based discrimination also seems to be low, but that could also be just how Japan wants to be seen, as there are plenty of things that go unreported here

I am going to say it; I bloody love Dragon Quarter to death and hope that if they do a Breath of Fire 6 (no, I will NOT acknowledge the phone version as the actual part 6), they will go back to that system again. I still replay that game from time to time.