
Because anime is a massive business with a lot of competition, but not necessarily a lot of potential to make profit. Something people often don’t realize is that even with all the cost cutting, anime is still quite expensive to make (modern anime anyway, as it did use to be different). Before we even get to the

Oh man, I remember these phones. Way back when, the Netherlands didn’t really have a thriving game industry, so the only way for people like me to actually develop games was to either start your own company or join one of the many attempts of breaking into a “side” industry (because before the iPhone and the

You made me sad. A cat shit one FPS, or even third person, would have been so great, but we will likely never see anything like that.

Yup, it definitely didn’t look good. Still better than what came after it though.

Don’t get me wrong, it looked like a bad realistic raving rabbids knock-off, but I would rather have that than what they ended up with in the trailer.

...I can’t be the only one that was rather disappointed that 9 to 5 went from insane and different to generic tactical shooter 101, right?

Ooooh, Babylon’s fall looks like very hacky and slashy. You can’t go wrong with Platinum Games and hacky and slashy games.

Eh, I don’t think it looks that bad. Granted, I won’t be spending money on this to see it on the big screen, but this seems like a good enough movie for just turning your brain off after work and enjoy it with a selection of snackables.

It seems I blanked out when writing “Personas you already” near the end.
What I wanted to write was “Personas you already registered can join you without negotiation during a hold-up.” It’s early here.

Okay, so I have played Royal and I think I am pretty far into the game (about 75%, if my memories of Persona 5 are anything to go by), and for those willing to read it, here are my impressions.

Yeah, I am really sure the writers wrote themselves into a corner and had no idea how to connect the main big bad to, well, anything really. Because I call bullshit on Irvine “having no memory loss.” The first time you meet him at Galbadia Garden? He makes NO indication whatsoever that by some weird quirk of fate,

yes, a “few”..., I had completely forgotten that once existed.

“If they don’t like their website, they should order somewhere else.” - Another asshole replying to the asshole on Facebook.

So, what we get is basically akin to if Amazon would just show us random pages and ask “DO YOU WANT THIS? DO YOU WANT THAT?” rather than let us shop.

This is the exact reason I went on a business day. Going to TGS on public days is insane, unless you are operating a booth or something. Even then, the lines for FF7 were pretty long; I managed to get in as one of the first, but when I finished playing (15 minutes) the line was already crazy long. Funny though,

Oh man, another “players can help me” thing. Call me a grumpy old man or whatever, but I really hope none of that is necessary to complete the game and that I can just play the game by myself. Kojima was constantly saying that the creature he fought was just fodder in terms of alien enemies you fight and it just makes

It’s very likely most good spots were already completely taken. There was some news on the state of Narita airport thanks to the typhoon and it looked like the entire airport was filled to the brim with people stuck. He likely had to make due with whatever he could find.

Good point. I wonder how far that will get him though. I mean, it’s not exactly a stable form of income.

Wait, so this guy quits his job to buy stuff for which he needs money. But to get money, he will need a job, which he quit. GENIUS!