
Runic Games, who made the games, is actually already gone. They went bankrupt or something around 2 years ago. The one who is handling the ports is actually a company that was not responsible for the original games (according to Wikipedia the company is called Panic Button, a company primarily specializing on Switch

Heh, even better than all of that is; even if Epic store did have all those features, those people still not switch. I get that the features are still barebones (and I agree; the fact that their game store still doesn’t have a shopping cart, whereas their asset store for unreal 4 assets have kinda confuses me), but

You would think he would welcome these “artisanal” beers and whatnot, considering the whole love for mom and pop shops and the free market,rather than stick the socialism logo on it. It’s almost as if these guys are... hypocrites.

What’s up with this eating the rich thing? Don’t eat the rich! Humans are way too high calorie. Instead, use their heads as soccer balls. Fun for the whole neighborhood!

A year ago maybe I would have agreed with your sentiment, but these days, I rather hope he dies well after he is out of the white house. Like of old age, as an angry old man throwing empty Twitter cans to presidents doing better than him.

I highly doubt he is scared. He’s just being belligerent. That’s all. I mean, come on, Pelosy won’t move ahead with impeachment and Republicans are defending him no matter what happens. Hell, they are even adapting his playbook. What does the guy even have to be scared of?

Does this go for Japan as well I wonder? Because my joycon is also experiencing drift right now (right around the time I was made aware of the issue, go figure), but I am in Japan.

Please, PLEASE tell me “magaphobia” is not actually a thing.

I loved it during the first season, mostly because of how a ridiculously overpowered bastard the main character is. Despite that, there was still some room for conflict, because the main character simply didn’t know anything of the world he was transferred to. A powerful bastard, but a bastard that at the same time

If it’s any consolation, it’s also very low on the list of things I thought I would be reading about today.

go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.

Between this and the Dragon Quest movie, does this mean Japan is starting to embrace the whole Pixar/Disney 3D look? Because if so, I cannot say I hate that development.

Firstly, one of the Justice Department lawyers seemed just as shocked by Trump’s tweet as the judge and everyone else.

Perhaps they are afraid of loosing their relevance or something? I am just guessing here, but it could be that part of them feels that if they acknowledge what’s going on now as concentration camps, that what they suffered is somehow going to be perceived as less important.

Since when did the average Trumper let knowledge and wisdom get in the way of their opinion? They will probably just snub these guys as the “elite” or whatever and keep harassing AOC. This will only die down when they get a new AOC boogeyman” to pursue.

What the actual flying fuck?

Fair enough. From what I know Japanese copyright law shares many parallels with international copyright law, but I am not versed enough in it to make accurate judgements.

I highly doubt that. Nintendo is sitting on a pretty significant capital ( They could basically have another couple of WiiU like failures before they would start to feel the heat. Furthermore, something many people don’t seem to understand is that Nintendo doesn’t see

Just wanted to put this out here, in case someone will mention it;

like forcing kids who can’t pay for lunch to wear wristbands, or publishing their names on public lists, or subjecting children to debt collectors until their meals are paid of.