
As much as I love the fact that it’s getting attention from politicians who could actually make a decent impact in how loot boxes are handled (and a Republican no less), I really don’t have a lot of hope that this ever manages to pass or even if it passes, whether it will have any effect on at least the whole “pay to

Heh, as if Russia and China would actually go to the trouble of physically taking over. Managing something as big as the US is too much of a money drain. They will just continue influencing elections so they can get people that are useful to them in the political landscape, to profit them in things like international

Yeah, I understand; I certainly don’t mean my answer to be a free card for all manners of bad parenting. It’s just that I have seen too many times the kind of thinking that would deny a child to simply be a child and immediately reach for the “you are bad parents” insult the moment a child does something it’s actually

“It is simply not fathomable that a Constitution that grants Congress the power to remove a President for reasons including criminal behavior would deny Congress the power to investigate him for unlawful conduct—past or present—even without formally opening an impeachment inquiry”

This is why I am not going to have my kid play online games until she is old enough for it (if she ever develops the interest for it that is). Though, my excuse will be a lot more down to earth; MONEYZ. Since I primarily play single player games, having my kid play online games would either mean having to fork over

I finally found myself a no true Scotsman! I am so happy.

Sorry, I meant more in the sense of a “no babies on my plane, they should stay home!” kinda mindset. I completely understand that people don’t like a wailing baby on the airplane. I am talking about the people who go really far in that dislike. It’s hard to describe, but I have seen that mindset online. Like the

It’s never been about the babies. It’s about the fetus. These same people will likely bitch and moan about how unfair it is they have to sit in a plane with babies, liken anything remotely childlike to criminality, think that slapping your kid black and blue is good parenting and possibly throw in some “in my day”

Nothing. The dude never does wrong, after all. Plus, something that I noticed; we may believe the rape argument is good, but to them, they really don’t seem to care that much. To many I have seen, the “murder” of the fetus is automatically worse than rape, and thus to them the rape argument is basically invalidated.

That’s not restrictive. That’s outright banning it. From the moment of conception? That could be 3 fucking minutes depending on the situation.

In this case I think it better describes simply what direction America is moving towards. As far as I know or at least think, fascist is a ideology that favors the nation and race (in this case, the white person) over everything else. That would be apt to describe what’s going on here; someone from a country / of a

I actually got Shadow of the Tomb Raider last week or so (the Croft edition, which included the season pass). So far, I am having a great time. While I am not sure whether the fun I am having is in part due to the DLC being entirely present, I am glad I ended up buying it. 

2025? You are awfully optimistic.

Honestly, I don’t think they make that much on anime to begin with. The only anime that can basically recoup their costs based on advertisement are the primetime anime (such as one-piece). All the others on the other hand don’t seem to be the moneymakers people want to believe they are. The person tweeting mentions

Eh, I would argue Trump is already doing this. Sure, not in the same direct manner, but let’s not forget who was the one who held the salaries hostage when he didn’t get his damn wall funding.

Well, technically it only has 6 legs, sooooo...

Because your goverment has basically said fuck-it to the whole separation of church and state thing. At the very least, that’s the impression I have.

But as Trump would surely tell you, there’s no such thing as bad press.

I really hope they fixed the performance issues with that delay. The build I played at Tokyo Game Show looked okay, but slowed down a lot whenever the screen was a bit more crowded.

“His GPA [grade point average] did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought, for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits,