
What I am more surprised and worried by though; why the fuck did they keep someone without prior record in jail for 5 months, for something as minor as tresspassing?! Is this what bail does? Get someone jailed for 5 months for a crime that generally doesn’t even result in jailtime to begin with?

Oh man, the enemy designs. I was really disappointed when I found out that the enemies you meet in the opening hours of the game also happen to make up 80-85% of all the enemies in the game, with all the enemies having more palette swaps than there are enemy types. Not to mention the designs of the monsters themselves

I wasn’t really impressed by the graphics of the second. I found the first one to be way better. The second had had painfully modular dungeons and the world map just felt like it didn’t belong in the game. Compared to the first game, everything may have been bigger and wider, but it also felt emptier.

Agreed. I really would love to see that game come back once more. I mean, I liked part 2, but it was way too watered down from the first 1. Graphically, from a gameplay perspective and arguably even the narrative.

Invaded like 80% of the world for spices and now don’t even use them in the food.

“Farmers, I LOVE YOU!” says the guy who first royally screws them with his zero sum thinking and then possibly, maybe, returns them to the state they were in before Trump decided that he knows international policy best.

So wait, you are telling me that the scene in Hot Shots Part Deux, where the president of the US barfs on the Japanese prime minister, is actually based on a true happening?

Yeah, that’s the question all of us would like to know the answer to, but that still wouldn’t stop a real Trump fan from putting it in.

The engine has nothing to do with the design of the game. If the games look and play the same, that’s on the art direction and the game designers, not on the engine.

That, and hypocrites and whatnot. Tell us something we don’t know. What I am more surprised by is that it took them this long to do it.

edit: great, Splinternews seems to have decided I am a troll.

Maybe, but they have been doing it for years, and it ain’t just in America either. Back when I was a little Cridia (well over 20 years ago) my then economics teacher taught the class on a whole number of tricks that super markets employ to get the people to buy more stuff (and yes, shuffling inventory was one of them.

I just have to wonder what they were expecting then. They just pitched a mobile game, one that’s likely going to be heavily monetized with gatcha systems, to a crowd of gamers who predominantly seem to prefer the PC as their platform of choice.

Sen. Lindsey Graham plans to introduce legislation to end birthright citizenship in wake of Trump’s comments, enthusiastically prompted by Axios’ Jonathan Swan, expressing a desire to do exactly that with an executive order. This probably won’t work.

Well, drive on the wrong side then!

I have seen many discussions regarding this topic from Trump supporters, and I can guarantee you that even if all the evidence is out in the open, his supporters will still see a way to spin it as a conspiracy against Trump, fake news, are any excuse that enables them to just sweep everything under the table. Fact

Honestly, I don’t think it’s even a might. I think that if impeachment is started and it fails, it will rally the Trump base like nothing ever before. If impeachment fails, I think that’s when you can just safely assume Trump will get his second term.

Brazilian friends of mine share your sentiment. I hope your situation improves and Bolsonaro doesn’t get what he wants. I really do.

No, this game should not be on Steam. Brazilian friends of mine have already told me that the situation that Bolsonaro is causing is very real, very grim and definitely not in need of more encouragement. During any other time this could be considered satire in a weird twisted way, but not now. Imagine trumpublicans,

Oh come one, that’s just mean.

Don’t give them any ideas. They might take you up on it.