
To be fair, a quick Google search revealed that MSNBC has a liberal bias. The people clicking on those links are going to be clicking on those links precisely because they expect the article itself to disprove said claim. Trump is not saying his shit because liberal media repeats it. He is only saying it because

The sheer fact this is not awkward 3D animation makes it way better than the anime. Not that that is saying much though.

So the fans are angry because EA decided to buttfuck them and their wallet. Good, EA deserves all the angry people they can get, because EA screws everything with a purse and are more than willing to go to bat for their right to continue screwing customers. Then why are the fans directing their anger to the developers!

Nope, completely non-US and non-American.

Nah, they are clapping to the first people to laugh.

I really hope so, because that was way too easy, even for learning. Even the original Yokai Watch was more challenging in the beginning of the game and that game was anything but complicated.

Heh, the Sonic one made me chuckle.

I think Yokai Watch’s downfall is more the fault of Level 5 and franchise fatigue. It has been a little over 5 years since the first game came out and already we have; Yokai Watch, 3 different versions of Yokai Watch 2, Yokai Watch Sangokushi, 3 different versions of Yokai Watch 3, 2 smartphone applications and 4

I figured as much. I was recently reintroduced to this mindset when certain corporations found themselves running afoul of Belgian gambling law. While most complied, one of them had to mention that they would comply with “the Belgian interpretation of gambling law.” Granted, relatively minor as it was just corporate

“one of the wettest we’ve ever seen from the standpoint of water”

I am honestly surprised it took states this long. With all the laws designed to make access to abortion next to impossible, even though it’s technically legal, I was wondering why they wouldn’t use the same sort of approach to other laws as well.

My first thought was; eh, another Shiranui cosplay. Then I read “Here’s how he did it.” Pretty damn impressive.

Eh, if Ubisoft doesn’t want to respect my time and let me enjoy games at my own pace, I just won’t buy it. Plenty of other games on my backlog.

To me Valkyria Chronicles 4 is a bit of a mixed bag. I replayed the HD version a few months before Valkyria Chronicles was released in Japan, and felt that Valkyria Chronicles 4 is not really an advancement of the series, but more like a Valkyria Chronicles 1.5.

Pretty much uses all of the same gameplay with some

It’s not that bad. Sure, SE is still not quite good at telling a story and sure, the game is no FF7, but it’s still a pretty solid game. If you can get it cheap (which should be doable now), you can do a whole lot worse than FFXV.

I know. Years like this really hammer the point home. Even if it were the case that scientists disagreed on it, nature is more than ready to let us know that she isn’t screwing around...

Glad to hear that.

This has seriously been a screwed up year for Japan. First heat waves hitting record highs, Hiroshima getting screwed over by a typhoon, Shizuoka getting hit with mudfloods and heat (delightful combination if I might add), Osaka having to deal with the strongest typhoon this year (one whose winds just toyed with

I feel you. Though my reason has less to do with time (since my field concerns game research, it affords me a little more time to play games than the average person), it has more to do that indie developers generally don’t nickel and dime you all the way through the experience. Hate to be the one to bring up the “good

Nonono, many people care. It’s just that your system to remove the president for office needs around 2/3rds of 500 very specific people to care.