
You are aware of the existence of Trump supporters, yes? You know, particularly those rabid, hardcore, “I will vote for Trump any day if it means hurting libruls” kind of people? Do you actually think that if the media stopped reporting about Trump, his fans would just stop giving Trump his much needed attention?

Because right now their thought progress can actually influence national policy? I mean, okay, republicans have been hilariously ineffective due to even them not being able to agree on just where on the evil scale they draw the line, but fact remains that at least for now, they pretty much control your entire

I honestly have no idea. Ask your fellow Americans. We shouldn’t even need a bathroom bill to begin with, but here we are.

Yeah, I am pretty sure Hamilton knows. That’s why he keeps mentioning the reason for these articles existing is because some asshole that got rich off homedepot wrote a book “I love capitalism.” I am pretty sure that if some Wallmart investor did the same thing, we would get a slew of articles about Wallmart

Eventually she was commanded by management to walk 3 blocks away to the Target and use the family room there. To do this, she had to find coverage, clock out, and walk there - losing at least a half hour a day of pay. She was threatened if she was seen using any other bathroom that she would be fired...

...there are bed bugs willing to take chances with anything Trump slept on?

I want to add a tip, especially for those who are unfamiliar with JRPGs and want to give this game a go. During the opening chapters of each character, the inns in their respective towns/cities become completely free to use. I found this especially useful with the later opening chapters, when chapter levels start to

I didn’t even know this game had fucking maniacs. Then again, people send Jason death threats over reporting a game delay, so maybe people just have a thing for Jason or something.

I think the map is pretty okay though. Sure, it doesn’t track the avatar, but the roads are not really all that complicated.

I cannot agree more on the battle rhythm part. I have found myself completely obliterating bosses with a defence debuff from Therion, an attack buff from Olberic on himself and then letting loose with his fully boosted spear skill. At least in the opening chapters (I just finished the last one today) I found I could

If 2 ever happens, all gig economy companies will just start dropping like flies. It’s as you say; the only reason they are doing it this way is because they want to get around any and all regulation under the guise of “freedom.” If that shit ever gets regulated, the whole reason for doing it in the first place will

I always rather disliked this gig economy development. Granted, my knowledge is rather limited, but from what I know of companies like Uber, it is pretty much like any employer’s wet dream. Everyone becomes a contractor and Uber reels in the money without ever having to pay anything of consequence, like actual minimum

I didn’t really expect a lot from the story department from the getgo, so I am not exactly surprised by that. Nor by the grind complaint. I think it’s a Sillicon Studio thing; the subpar writing and balancing issues. Take their other popular work, Bravely Default. An extremely cliched plot, an extremely dull second

Trump doesn’t care about the law. Or due process. Or anything really, if it concerns people coming to the USA from the South. By the time the law actually catches up with him, if it ever does that is, the damage is already done. Trump may be a fucking idiot, but I am pretty sure he knows this and does shit like this

Sorry, but I am afraid the rest of the world will dump the USA before any of that comes to pass. I really feel sorry for your situation, but the world is not going to let your mess become the world’s mess.

Yeah, sorry. I didn’t mean conservatives in the traditional sense, but the “I like me sum librul tear” types that are everywhere these days.

Thanks. So, am I correct in assuming that this Corey figure was the one who popularized this for the conservatives?

What’s up with the womp womp anyway. What’s it even based on? Anyone care to fill in this internet grandpa?

If it were anything but the thing discussed above, I would have agreed, but I am pretty sure that this time they are doing it because the WHO promoting breast feeding is to them like putting agency back in women’s hands. You know how these shitsticks think about poor people.

I would laugh at that statement, but then I remember Trump could tell his groupies that the moon is made out of cheese and they would believe it.