
We all know that smarts don’t matter to Trump supporters. They will claim anything a Trump victory.

Make that common anything.

I seriously wonder what he is huffing. It’s gotta be something special, because no matter how ignorant or stupid you are, there is no way you can possibly construe every country under the sun answering your tariffs with retaliation as “respect” without being high as a kite.

1) The worst part being that even if he did get his ass handed to him on national TV, Trump supporters would probably STILL call it Trump’s victory.

Look at that. If having sex continuously with that and then having to carry those genes for 9-10 months is not an extraordinary ability, I don’t know what is.

It’s amazing they can actually blurt that line out. You have to be a special kind of ignorant to be able to say that while not seeing the millions of people who have been saying that exact thing ever since the moment Trump got elected to president.

Welcome to our sad sad modern reality. Where no one gives a shit whether it benefits them or not, but will fight tooth and nail if it means they can take it away from someone else.

Why, of course, but they won’t be happy about it until ALL actions favor white men.

Out of all the times you decide to be a racist shitwizzle, you do it during a time of loss? That’s just disgusting.

It’s that “peaceably” part that is the problem. Granted, without it it would have been problematic as well, but that one single word is so open for exploitation it surprises me there even are opportunities for protesting. After all, it’s the government who in the end gets to decide what the hell peaceably even means.

I agree. Especially in that foggy forest part, where a large part of the frustation is getting one-shotted by an enemy that was ridiculously hard to see.

I fell in love with the presentation of this game ever since I saw it at GDC2018. I was also quite amazed. The game is made in the Unreal 4 engine, which may be able to render great 3D graphics and effects, but is a whole lot less effective when it comes to flat graphics. That they managed to get this done in Unreal 4

Tried? Just skip to the conviction part. They don’t think people deserve due process, so why should they be any different?

Yeah, no. There is no “custom” with Nazis to be empathetic to foreigner families. Get your “nazis ain’t that bad” shit outta here.

Bahahaha, someone is trying to get back into daddy’s good graces! Must be frustrating, that whole wanting daddy’s money but not having a vagina!

Maybe the apostrophe. He seems to be completely out of them.

Come on Sarah, you’re a parent! Don’t you have any empathy for what these people are going through?

There’s plenty of people that simply don’t like first person or third person. Different folks, different strokes.

I don’t know. Normally, I would be inclined to agree with you, but with this game I am kinda looking forward to how they are going to portray that. There were already a few parts in TLoU that I found rather unsettling due to its reliance on violence, but with that game I found it did actually contribute to the game.

You don’t have to look forward to it. Just go to the gamefaqs board; they are already hitting every excuse in the book! And of course, crying and whining about how they are not going to buy the game while they are at it.