
I gave that puzzle to my kids once on a long drive. The two boys (two years older) were still trying to figure it out when their little sister popped up with the correct answer — and this was when she was maybe seven.

Now playing

the easiest question i have seen ever, the answer is MS gundam without a doubt, everything about this anime is great, the character development, the story, how the story is worked, and it has mecha, what else can you ask?

Oh hey everyone. I'm the creator of this tumblr. I had always hoped I would end up on io9 for the science I work on, but I will settle for this! Also, please link anything you might have seen from TV, movies, etc as I'm running out of material that I know about.

But because a single number cannot describe the size of an infinite set, Cantor used the term aleph-0, or aleph-null (aleph being the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet) to signify the cardinality of an infinite set.

It should be noted that the intent of most of the garish paint jobs shown here was not to make the ships "invisible" while at sea. The idea was to make it difficult for an observer to determine the ship's facing and direction of travel. This was done to hopefully make it more difficult to target torpedoes and shells

I think, but might be wrong, that your notion of chaos theory is wrong. Chaos theory only applies in deterministic systems; so they're fundamentally ABOUT systems that could be predicted perfectly if we could only measure with complete accuracy. The example about the hurricane is applicable because all parameters of