
You also have to consider the stickyness of recurring bills. If people knew the true costs, many more would dump espn. My coworker is a gay dude, as soon as he can, he will dump espn. So that sub base will keep depleting. Then real economics come into play. When will the real sports fans get priced out? I can see the

The defense has just as many opportunities as the offense to get a three and out. it only happens when the offense is totally struggling. Pederson is a terrible hire.

Don’t make howie roseman cry.

Eat it duke

+2 deflategate balls

Actually this is pretty great for both cities. You can root for whatever team you like and you don’t have to underwrite a billionaire’s stadium. Count your blessings, which are in the hundreds of millions.

+ one million yards of forehead

My kid loves LCD. Hes 17. He gives zero fucks about the perception of this reunion.

Kanye blows, I feel sorry for you if he’s an important part of your life.

Do you know how many teams are looking for a QB? Like 25, at least. it’s not like he missed. He took a gamble on bradford. It’s better than tossing mallet and hoyer out there, or is it? At least it’s kind of bold.l, but maybe dumb.

Who gives a shit

Agreed. All MS’s movies get goofy when he does a montage to hurry along the plot. No thanks.

Lol nice troll

Shocker: none that are pink, three on the brink

What a snoozer......

Agreed. Fuck that shit. It’s just a game, agd grown ass men, wear jerseys with other, usually younger mens names on the back. Then act tough. Homoerotic much

BUT he’s An amateur athlete, so NBD?

It always rubbish in boston.

You’re a gaping asshole. Oh and so you’re a fool. So I guess you’re a giant dumbass.

Agreed, we are getting high Def pictures from a space ship near the edge of the universe, and they can’t get headsets to work...