You know who i didn't ask? You! But its so clear now that i need your guidance.
You know who i didn't ask? You! But its so clear now that i need your guidance.
Great! That's cool, cause on TV it was unclear, hence i asked someone there, but that person wasn't you. But since you feel the need to comment, you should follow me, and everytime i ask someone a question, you can answer, then we can do this again. Its clear I need you in my life, telling me what i should and…
Yes! You're still here! I was getting worried you would take the hint. I get as much as a sick joy from this as you do for commenting unsolicited about whether or not rules matter (they do!). Thanks for setting me straight. My only hope is, that you're a nationals fan, so you could have a moral victory on Harpers…
Thanks for your prompt response! I was on pins and needles waiting for it. I was hoping my candor about how I could care less about your thoughts wouldn't stop your reply and boy you didn't disappoint!
I'm glad you keep dialoguing with me. I really needed all your worthless input. Specifically I loved when I asked someone that was at the game if the HR was fair, and you commented with stupidity. It was great. Keep it up. You're going to win this thing!
Thanks for letting me slide, it means a lot.
You're stupid because you have a low IQ.
Wow, you're stupid. Saditude
Who cares if it was foul? Everyone, it tied up the game...
Thanks. Didnt see any uproar so assumed it was....
He's 22. He's supposed to be a prick.
But was it foul? The replays all sucked.....
Check the schedule.
Last time they had a home game.
Just because you havent witnesses it yourself doesnt mean it doesnt happen. It does. Also fuck bucks fans to thinking it doesnt happen there.
My entire point is, it does. Just because you aren't aware of it doesn't mean there are no fights. So in closing, blow me.
This happens at EVERY football stadium. Sadly.
In all honesty who cares, the nats suck