contact with your wife's face is slightly more than contact with an official. Well done roger dodger....
contact with your wife's face is slightly more than contact with an official. Well done roger dodger....
garbage in, garbage out, landfill shit
nothing is as gross as Kathy bates chest legs in the hot tub scene in the movie about Schmidt
At least Ichiro got an iPad out of it. Shame 1) that it wasn't a mini 2) jester fisted the iPad up in the old Suzuki exhaust pipe....
And any woman out there who misconstrued what I said
Who's watching this shit anyways? To me espn during the day is like an infomercial audience. Who ever is buying what these assholes are selling deserve it.
could be on the DL, the outfit looks a little gay to me...
if there wasn't an NBA the would be a pro, because people like to watch the competition of basketball. Ever hear of the NCAA? Jesus man! People want to see the players play, no one gives a shit if David west or kayne west is the logo, although kayne would love that.
I your dick
If you think Beyoncé writes most of her songs from experience or let alone writes them, well.....
Bleacher report sucks.
You drive out of DC into virgina/maryland to possibly get stuck in traffic to save money. On a full tank of gas, you probably save a 2-3 bucks, this is worth your time, energy, and miles? Jesus Christ.
selling 500m of a similar portfolio of properties certainly would put pressure downward on prices. Also this would have to be quick sales, as to not default, which would require further price haircuts.
"It's not going to be totally smooth … things will happen.''
Peter King always did have a mean streak, i mean skunk streak...........
I heard he's an excitable player, but running hard into second might be a little dangerous, what if he slides head first and breaks his dick off? Either way it seems like you had a four hour erection watching him. He gives you new meaning for the seventh Inning stretch I presume.
Florios and PFTs reporting is taking other peoples articles, linking to them, then making adding fluff to the PFT 'reports' which is the equivalent of words that make farts noises.
You, good sir, have won the comment of the day, you punched it right in the face, drug it into the lobby and exclaimed 'are you not entertained!', and by god we are
I did this last year with the madden game, there was no verification, even though it said that.