Sorry, I shouldn't have called anyone an MRA. That was low.
Sorry, I shouldn't have called anyone an MRA. That was low.
Aww. The MRA is learning to use social justice words to shit in a comments section. Adorbs.
What about not liking forced labor for bullshit reasons equates to a woman not wanting to do a mans punishment? She doesn't want to do the bullshit punishment. I don't blame her.
I almost want to kick 3 bucks their way to reward them for a well executed cashgrab.
There are a lot of things that might hurt womens career that shouldn't. Don't purposefully talk like a baby, but if your real voice is something people hate on, I don't see how its any different than body shaming.
i feel like a goddamn idiot. I always tiptoe backwards.
A woman! Women do sex things if I show them money. And if they don't I should at least go out of my way to imply that they do. - Bros.
No no. The internet works like really good on its own.
Phil Plait, the author of bad astronomy has used suns and stars as interchangable terms in his work. He has some science cred.
"Then we presumed the Sun was unique, until we learned that the countless stars of the night sky are suns themselves." - Neil Degrass Tyson, guy with some science cred.
"“We inhabit a universe where atoms are made in the centers of stars; where each second a thousand suns are born;" - Carl Sagan, guy with slightly more science cred than Suppppaaaaaaaa.
I'd be worried about the coke being cut with stuff. I'm not sure about pure coke being dangerous. I'd think the same tolerances would apply. It'd be like rubbing it into your gums.
putting lsd near any kind of permeable membrane will result in more or less the same trip depending on the absorption rate of the tissue.
Its always just a joke bro. Always.
women are not giftable property, fucknuts.
Is he going to reiterate how hilarious he thinks saying n****r is? Or explain why his touching poker table scene where he learns why calling people faggots is hurtful hasn't stopped him from calling people faggots in his live shows?
there's also the really shitty component of "Relax, you're prettier than you think... unless you look like the women in the sketch on the left."
I'm a guy and I don't think your percentages are right. But guess what? I don't care. Even if its not 99.9 percent, it's still a bigger issue than defending the poor besieged innocent men. I'm amazed at the amount of effort people are putting into correcting you.
Rock on.
i won't buy anything that supports big plasmid and vigors.