
Yeah. That makes total sense, if she had chided him with any number of other foul words without using misogynistic tropes everyone in the audience would collectively stand up at once confused because that is exactly where the misogyny should go and the movie would be ruined.


PBR is what I drink in between brewing my own. It's cheap, drinkable, and beer bought in our apt is drank by all roommates.

this is obviously a sim flash-mob

It took me a while to re-learn what NSFW meant when I left my job where scanning through photos of a dude cumming on his sneaker collection wasn't an odd thing to see on my monitor at work.

I probably don't go more than a day without a hard eyeroll and yelling at some MRA jerkoff. But if chiding a woman for having a sex life and corresponding with other adults is victim blaming then this article is too. And if violating a womans privacy by exposing those messages is wrong, then it's wrong here too.

Whats the unemployment rate of Greek goddesses these days?

Are you assuming that the readership here is almost exclusively saint paddies day celebrating college bros?

"Does that mean Disney's Peter Pan is racist?"

I'm orchestrating a schism and rallying behind this pickle.

Francis I tried to go for Pope Super Bowl XLVIII but all the internet real estate had already been staked out.

What? This is obviously *sad trombone* Get your head in the game!

Which usage of "Top of the line" are you going for here?

"The 'people' you see are actually just mindless agents."

The idea that decent gaming machine can't handle calculations that EA is able to provide offsite for every player is so ridiculous that I can't understand why people are still entertaining it.

whats the opposite of a strawman? Pretending like your argument is anything but bullshit because women are underrepresented minorities and fantasy lizard men are not?

"But she said an incomplete sentence on the state of video games, and everyone is taking it as the final word."

This is what I read:

"But why the hell is Sarkeesian being placed on this pedestal"

translation: I was looking to play devils advocate.