
It's worse if its a joke. Cissexism is so entrenched we can joke about being so dominant that we don't even need to know the terminology.

Most subreddits are tiny. If you look at the leaks from the mod subreddits that allow mods from forums with over a certain number of subscribers, the sentiment is extremely anti SRS. The biggest subreddits are ran by people who hate SRS.

A feminist sex advice columnist who doesn't know what cisgendered means?

The people who fight the shitlords on Reddit are called SRS. They're pretty much universally derided for doing so because as long as something isn't illegal, its free speech so people shouldn't counter speech they don't like with more speech.

And SRS is pretty universally reviled on reddit.

Nope. that was a completely different looking black woman.

Did they get V from V for Vendetta to write their copy

I'm assuming that the wall of fire is going to be a large number of high energy photos that came in at just the right angle to orbit the black hole. Some will occasionally fall in, but they'll be replaced by others. Passing through a wall of high energy photos would heat you up pretty quick.

Famous people already have more rights, and access to better representation. If Lady Gaga had a problem with instagram I doubt she'd jump on our class action suit, she'd go after them with her own lawyers.

just for increased visibility: copy paste:

No. You can be fair to someone who left it behind him. During his papacy he said that atheism leads to nazism. If you actually were a Nazi even under duress, you cede all right to call non-nazis nazis. You can't exploit a horrific event that you participated in for your own theological ramblings. He lost his get

that's fine. you can believe whatever you want in terms of what happens in the afterlife, as long as you fuck off on earth.

Yes. Be nice to the man talking about women as if they were prize animals. Sure.

Yeah. SF and okcupid are a great combination, lots of matches for people of all sorts.

I think you're problem is you radiate douchebag. Just those few words you've typed would cause women to roll their eyes and move on.

There's already free files for high capacity magazines available online. anyone with access to a 3d printer (lives in a city, hackerspaces are popping up everywhere) can print these mags. Soon they'll be able to print the guns.

Ummm. that's not victim blaming. Don't cheapen the concept. Someone who is unfairly (?) pegged as a creeper is not on the same ground as a rape victim. Cry me a river for the poor creeper.

Looper is a movie about the importance of memos.

They will never show it. They showed him about to take her on that final date in a mini episode and it was in the tardis console they're retiring.