
I choose to think that they wouldn't have given McGann a new official outfit, and a new Sonic Screwdriver designed by WETA if they didn't intend on popping him back in there at some point. That's not even considering that he's been nothing but enthusiastic about the idea.

Hey thanks! Close enough for wish fulfillment.

If DC wanted to get my attention they'd have remade Watchmen as an alternate reality version using the originally intended comic book heros. THAT, i'd pay to read.

Personally I think she should have had sex with all of them, or none of them, or maybe a few of them, or any of those because it doesn't matter what I think and it doesn't affect her value as a person.

Seems like you'd want a holographic companion to offer some amount of counterpoint to your life, like Kitt from Knight Rider, or, since having a holographic car follow you around would be weird, Cortana from Halo.

Haha. I once got a bottle of infidelity scotch from my girlfriend for cheating. (It's complicated, i'm not jealous, and i love scotch.)

I rarely message people on OKcupid, but when I do, i get about a 50% reply rate, and if I get a reply back there's prolly around a 75% chance we'll get drinks.

Erin, while i wouldn't have put it as crassly as Ian did, I have seen a fair amount of nerd shaming on Jezebel in the past. I understand that the site is written for by a diverse range of people, so I don't expect consensus, But I was told by an editor that Nerd-shaming is not a thing and i was moderated for even

"Male nerd culture has a problem with women. From Reddit's creepshots and MensRights subpages..."

The particle that gives all other particles mass was finally found. Why was it so hard? They were all in yo mamma.

It's generally a bad idea from a scientific standpoint too. There's often too many factors, or they are interpreted backwards. High crime rates correlate with Religiosity. But is that because religious people commit more crimes, or that criminal and economic hardships push people to look somewhere for answers.

Thats fine. Because the law is on my side, and the candid photography subject has been debated and settled for now. If you feel strongly about it, then you've found something to be an activist about and I encourage you to pursue that.

Not if they're bad cops. Commissioner Gordon beats a cop to a bloody pulp with a baseball bat in the cartoon for Batman year one. If the movie wants to go this direction it will just establish that the cops are thugs for the main baddie, the movie will show them shoot a kid, or kick a puppy, or hassle an elderly

Candid photos are amazing, my friend Yve Fontilea does amazing candid photography. Google her if you want to see the flip side of taking pictures in public without peoples knowledge. I'm not willing to lose that. Organize socially against creeps like this. And work within the law to stop him (youtube is under no

good cops fighting bad cops isn't edgy, its a trope.

I had a fellow photographer friend, and if we were out shooting something like an event, I'd go to the bathroom, take a picture of my dick, and wait about 20 minutes, then after taking a real picture, walk over to him and say "Oh man, check out this one, it's perfect."

How did he get here? What does he want? He wants seeeeeeeex.

If he was a gay conservative would you call him a faggot?

The current arrangement of one system shouldn't be able to do much to upset current conventions. A lot can happen to mess up a system.

I hate how normally rational non-racist, non-sexist, non-homophobic people will break out fat insults and think it's okay because the person they're throwing it at was deficient in some other way.