
Ladies, it's time to whip out your bindis. I'm an Indian girl and I approve this message.


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This made me look up Aunt Vivian's dance audition from Fresh Prince. I want to watch the full episode now! Aunt Vivian kicked ass and looked awesome in her light pink 90s leotard FTR.

THIS is why we need the ability to look into the future. If we had known men would ignore women in the future because they intensely assessed the needs of their RIVALS in days of old, well then SHIT, I'd have dropped my pot of woolly mammoth soup on their heads. Would you like more rival with your soup? They better

I see they've upgraded the boyfriend body pillow. Is this the NEW boyfriend body pillow or are they calling it the Boyfriend S body pillow. And where's the BF logo.

My prehistoric self GATHERED his ass some dinner... he better fucking be able to understand me. Maybe we should have just poisoned their food more. That would have made us ladies their rivals and thus important enough to pay attention to.

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The problem is Indian law enforcement is just shitty in general. You can bribe police there so easily for anything:

I could really use some potato juice.

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A Sandra Lee "cocktail" would not be complete without her "meatloaf":

look who ELSE is justifiably pissed...

Alright. I'm Indian, and I disagree about the bindi situation. People in India and everywhere else in the world wear bindis for fashion also. It doesn't ALWAYS an auspicious religious and spiritual symbol. And if we're talking about seduction just type bollywood dancing on YouTube. It's hypocritical. Indians wear it

You want to believe that if you’re a good girl, the world will deliver unto you the Perfect Guy. That Fate or God is the ultimate matchmaker, pulling the strings of your life to make shit happen. “We’re soul mates!” is the rallying cry of emotional pygmies.

there's a team called lost boys?

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An attractive red-headed American lass moves to the Australian outback when she inherits her long lost grandmother's Bundaberg rum farm. She falls in love with this guy and then together they open a koala bear sanctuary with Crocodile Dundee.

You've inspired me to create a sub-sub-genre called Koala Romance.