I read a quote by someone, a nun in support of birth control AND pro-choice, who said, "They're not pro-life, they're pro-birth." I think that's pretty accurate.
I read a quote by someone, a nun in support of birth control AND pro-choice, who said, "They're not pro-life, they're pro-birth." I think that's pretty accurate.
I don't need to convince them. They're repressed sexist scumbags. I just need to vote them out of power for good, which gets easier as they die out.
My favourite is to ask them if they've adopted as many unwanted, neglected and abandoned already-existing-actually-living-genuinely-in-need-of-protection-and-love children as their financial means will allow...
They tend not to reply...
It's not a valid distinction and stance when the potential is put above the realized. A clump of cells does not equal a kid who is neglected, starved, abused, or killed once it's outside of its host. Both are allegedly innocent victims, but only the clump of cells gets a "voice" from so-called pro-lifers. Not the…
Yeah right. It's common for trolls to pretend to be neutral and just happen to disagree with feminists. When you said "it's murder at any stage" you betrayed your true allegiance. Try harder. I doubt this anyone here's first day on the internet.
MyOcean wasn't just talking about actual child care, if I understand the comment correctly. The commenter was talking about the social safety net for kids. Anti-abortion House Republicans voted to slash the Women, Infants, and Children program. (That program helps people in poverty buy things like formula, food, and…
No. I don't need to try and understand the position that I shouldn't have bodily autonomy and that a fetus is more important than I am. Nope. I'm not going to debate whether or not I'm a human being with civil liberties.
But ultimately it is not about morality is it? It is about law. A fetus is not a distinct legal entity. Hell, medically a fetus is a parasite.
No shit. Their ethical inconsistency is maddening. The far-right always leaps to the defense of unborn fetuses while advocating against access to affordable prenatal care for poor mothers or or any of the few safety nets (food stamps, shool lunch programs) for the 20% of all American children who live in poverty.
I understand your perspective just fine. Talk about babies all you want but you hate women who have sex and do nothing but try and kill them. You do nothing FOR living children. In fact, you guys vote against anything that would enable women to plan their pregnancies and manage their fertility, because you don't…
She was clearly a sinner anyway, so no loss.
And a fetus was once an egg and sperm, of which millions are destroyed everyday by masturbation and menstruation.
They would love it. Clearly these people get off on gore and on the idea of hurting women, so that kind of strategy would backfire.
I think they would experience glee knowing the woman died. The slut deserved it. That's the kind of monster we are dealing with.
They wouldn't care because they think women who die like that deserve it.
How would they like an image of a dead, bloodied woman and a twisted coathanger on the floor next to that one, with the phrase, "When abortion was not safe, legal and accessible, women died. Save women's lives - protect choice."
Too fucking right.