NAME: self explanatory
WHY: self explanatory
NAME: self explanatory
WHY: self explanatory
Soon, Jason. Soon.
Hey laaaaadiiieesssss~
I love this idea.
Adjective: "Juicy"
I rather dislike the word "overrated". It implies the speaker views their taste as the superior ones.
But fuck my iMac.
I disagree with your post so much I have no choice but to promote it.
Welp, you sure convinced me! I'm going to burn my Xbox One right now!
lmfao 'Boycott'
Even though, as others have pointed out, you're exaggerating quite a bit here the fact of the matter is these games still sell millions. So obviously there isn't a mass outcry to radically change up these games.
A cooler, more realistic version of this wanting would be if levels could have specific theme-ing to the characters. Similar to the Game and Watch levels that made everyone look 2-Dish, the art style could change based on the environment.
Well I think the reason know...human contact.
lol, k maybe not JUST as good, but I mean... a controller is a controller. As long as its a standard set up, I can manage. Gotta let go of it at some point.
Tho I do think they should have made their PRO controller a little more like the GC controller, copying the xbox design was probably smart.
"Spying on undersea cables"
To give them credit, they did try to go around the guy. They could have just splatted the guy
I was 10 years old when I realized my parents didn't have a painting of a mitten on the wall.
No. The psychological damage of a young person seeing people engaged in sexual acts. There's a big difference.