Coy Koi

It’s actually very common in northern California. I don’t know where the game takes place, but I assure you, people actually say “hella.”

Funny how you mention strawman, considering how you committed the first fallacy earlier with the ad hominem on his alleged brand preference.

Well, they never gave it a new name so it wouldn't be incorrect to keep referring to it as a Sheller.

It doesn't look like shellder because it evolved when biting slowpoke's tail, thus resulting in Slowbro.

Misleading? That headline is as blunt as they get.

Well, pretty much everyone who was into Halo at one point in their lives would know what he's talking about. I wouldn't call it vague, maybe it was a bit obscure though since the Halo community isn't as prominent as it used to be. Anyways, I don't blame you at all for not getting his reference, Halo has definitely

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Huh, I never really heard people really talk about jetpacks in Halo. It's a relatively new addition to the series. In fact, most people I hear usually complain about the jetpack and the other armor abilities haha.

What? He wasn't talking about jetpacks at all.

It's likely that your gpu can't keep up with your monitor's refresh rate.

Haha yeah I know what you mean. Laptops are always a pain since you can't easily modify them yourself.

You might be interested in the Lenovo Y50. It's what I'm using right now. It may not be as powerful as the Razor Blade, but it will run pretty much everything on high in 1080p. It's also sexy as hell and doesn't have a tacky glowing logo tacked onto it.

So you're saying Kotaku is a non-homosexual website? It sounds a lot like you're saying that Kotaku is a straight only website that should not showcase things that women or gay men might enjoy and should only cater to straight men.

Haha sorry about that, not the best wording on my part. It's not that I use my gamepad as a complete replacement of my remotes though. It's just nice for when I want to use my Wii U. All I have to do is pick up my gamepad and I can use it to turn on my wii u/tv and change the input.

Protip: Hook up your gamepad to your tv and turn everything on through the comfort of your gamepad

I agree, it may not be in terms of "power", but I love the effort they put into trying new things. Too be fair, I also give props to Microsoft. They may make questionable decisions, but things like the Kinect have earned my respect.

Very well. Yes, Gollum is a fantastic example of CGI. However, you're still comparing single model to an entire film with %100 CGI scenes. On a purely technical level, they're both equal in my opinion. These two were among the first to use subsurface scattering to create realistic skin. If it weren't for that, Gollum

Oh come on, you can't just compare 2004 CGI to 2012 CGI. Even if The Incredibles had a "realistic" art style, it would still pale in comparison to something 8 years more recent.

Yes, it's true that Disney has a very "cartoony" style, but what you don't realize is that from their early hand-drawn days to their modern Pixar movies of today, they've always pushed technological boundaries.

To be fair, we haven't seen the web yet. Regardless of what I've said, I also have some doubts as well, but we'll never truly know until we have more info and actually play it.

I was thinking more a long the line of a step "away" rather than "back". Maybe this new research system will require a different strategy than the traditional one we're used to. The article contained in interesting quote regarding research: