
If people enjoy “surprise mechanics” so much, and that’s the reason you’re implementing them, then you could sell every item individually a la carte, and also offer random lootboxes alongside. All those people who simply love surprises would continue to buy lootboxes, and all the people who just want a few specific

I’d like a cop to explain to me how the police *aren’t* a joke, when officers are walking around who will literally accidentally shoot you for no reason.

Jesus christ. Did he stomp his feet and cross his arms and pout for awhile too? 

“Sanders acknowledged to investigators that her comments were not founded on anything.”

It doesn’t make sense to get excited over game imagery until you know what the actual game is like, either, but people do. That’s sort of the point of promotional material.

By your own logic, you must really not know anything about “actual hardship”, if the best use you’ve got for your time is complaining on the internet about other people’s complaining...

Personally, I would need to see what other representations of trans bodies exist in the game. If this is a world where openly trans bodies are so widely accepted that corporations are exploiting them in ads, I’d expect to see them pretty widely represented in many other contexts too. Including among the people you

I can’t give this enough stars. 

What’s the problem with a scantily-clad woman streaming herself? She chooses to do it. Those people in the bathroom didn’t choose to be on this dickbag’s stream. Do you understand the difference?

You must be one of those kids who thinks *seeing* someone do something is the same as filming them.

Their thinking is mostly holes. 

Also interesting: this is a service game

Yes, this garbage situation that has arisen under radical capitalist/free market conditions definitely proves how bad socialism/communism would be... 

I get it. My wife and I are very happily married, and neither of us have any particular anxieties or hang-ups about sharing space. But I would still love to have, say, two apartments side-by-side or above and below each other. Partly so that I could have some dedicated workspace, and partly so that I could have my own

Part of this crusade is a Russia-produced series from the country’s NTV channel.

If this is true, then... don’t become so drug addicted that your children have to be taken and given to foster families simply to keep them alive.

Hey now, they’ve always been totally consistent on that point. In that they want YOU to be fiscally responsible, not themselves.

Once again, thank you MAGA dumbasses. We could never make you look as stupid as you manage to make yourselves look, day after day. 

Do you think he staged the photo specifically to make his hands look big? Low angle, squinty look like he’s pretending to say something serious and authoritative, both hands splayed and pushed forward toward the camera to make them look larger. I honestly would not put it past him.

They will free the molecules of your body from the tyranny of being constrained to your living, breathing form. You’re welcome!