Republicans have gamed this and exploited it to the point where government cannot work,
Republicans have gamed this and exploited it to the point where government cannot work,
I don’t think they should do that. Getting out a whiteboard is only going to rile up Trump’s base and guarantee his re-election. I think we should continue to sit quietly and hope everything just kind of sorts itself out somehow.
In the minds of the rich, being able to buy it (even illegally) is the same as earning it. Being wealthy automatically means you deserve whatever benefits your money gets you.
“She wants to come out looking like she’s changed, learned life lessons and is growing as a person, so she for sure wants people to think she is interested in her education.”
I’m guessing they probably largely despise sex workers. I’m sure they resent the very notion of paying for sex, and consider women who sell it to be opportunistic sluts profiting off lonely nice guys, or something.
Hahaha, Cybertronic Spree, so good.
Not to mention the time she chained up her own dragons - traumatizing them and herself AND giving up her biggest strategic asset - just because they roasted one random peasant girl and she felt bad about it.
The number of people for whom this is a sex thing is not zero.
A high five from Trump.
Glad to see this is making it’s way to other platforms. Played the hell out of it on PC, and absolutely loved it. In terms of atmosphere and style, I’d describe it as kind of like Silent Hill plus Stalker with Cronenberg influences. So creepy and surreal. Amazing sound design, too.
Trump will probably pardon them all.
Great show. Watched it over the past couple evenings. Love the surreality and playfulness - weird shit happening right alongside the more mundane stuff, and it’s all treated as just part of the world. Plant people. Co-signing on a loan with a jaguar. The whole bit where Bertie’s left boob gets fed up with Derek’s…
If obstruction warrants extra years tacked on to your presidency, I guess Obama’s got an extra 8 coming to him.
Don’t invest in rental properties unless you’re ready, willing and able to take being a landlord seriously. It’s a lot of work. It comes with a lot of obligations and responsibilities.
All he had to do was literally nothing, just hang out at the back of his army until the living are totally overwhelmed. I’m sure he could have even had his wights/white walkers kill everyone EXCEPT Bran, so that he could saunter in and finish the Three Eyed Raven himself.
I’m fine with Arya being the one to off the Night King. But I think her killing blow was extremely lame. She literally just flies out of nowhere and ganks him. There was zero tension in any part of that whole sequence, for me. Of course Theon is gonna fight and then die heroically. Standard redemption arc. And despite…
I know they set this up ages ago and it wasn’t a surprise or anything. But I just gotta say, I’m extremely bored of fantasy (and sci-fi) where the entire enemy force is instantly defeated by killing the boss guy.
You’d think I’d be cynically hardened to this stuff by now, but I am actually still amazed on a semi-regular basis at what a child Trump is.
A child thinks the border wall is a good idea? Makes sense to me.
Or caring for the poor, or healing the sick, or feeding the hungry, or turning the other cheek, or loving thy neighbor, or...etc. etc. etc.