
These are pretty weak examples of subverting tropes. Jessica expresses a little insecurity in a couple lines of dialogue, but otherwise is a total mean-girl horror cliche, including getting murdered/almost murdered in her underwear. And yeah, Sam can die at the very, very end. But it’s possible for everyone to die,

An argument isn’t automatically fallacious just because it uses “slippery slope” logic. A fallacious slippery slope argues that one event must inevitably follow another without any logic or reasoning showing how the connection actually makes any sense.

If you did go to Victoria’s Secret, they wouldn’t refuse to sell you undies.

What a whimsical and cool drunk driver.

Only works if dick size was actually the major deciding factor in mating. Back in “caveman days”, the factors were more likely ability to hunt and survive, and for much of history, in most places, women didn’t really have much choice at all in mating or marriage, least of all based on the penises they preferred.

As the fiance of a jewish girl, this is one aspect of their nefarious global plot that I can really get behind!

Well yes, if society at large continues to treat sex workers as morally bankrupt, desperate, lazy sluts, then making the work technically legal does very little to help them. Likewise, if the cops still spend all their time harassing the workers and their customers, instead of going after the pimps and the human

Reminds me of the bitchfest that accompanied the release of concept art for Faith from Mirror’s Edge, way back when. The devs gave her slightly angular, real-looking features, and some gamers flipped their shit because they consider any female character that isn’t anime-eyed, baby-cheeked and pouty lipped to be

I like carrying and using a paper notebook, but more for informal journaling and brainstorming. A smartphone is just so much simpler for straight up organization - grab a calendar app and a to-do/list/note-making app and you’re pretty much set.

It goes hand in hand with republican fondness for picking and choosing the rights they care about and the laws they respect.

That’s just what the government wants you to think.

I can see the appeal of this game to a certain audience, but for me it’s an unholy union of two of the things I despise/am bored by most in games: jump scares and QTEs.

An intelligence of 1? Fitting.

I prefer peaches with a little fuzz

My fiance and I are both totally cool with keeping our own last names. The tricky part is future kids. Which last name do you give them, if you don’t want to hyphenate?

Heh, yeah, that’s also what I thought was gonna happen.

It’s an awesome game, and the theorizing is fascinating because I find all the theories solid and pretty equally interesting.

Maintain that trigger discipline!

Oh god, someone edit in the Dark Souls “You Died” screen just before the face palm, and this gif is internet GOLD.

Best of luck to letter writer number one. I have seen plenty of my female friends and acquaintances fall into relationships with giant man-babies who display similar behavior. It’s always an ugly situation, and you will find there’s always plenty of people willing to buy into the nagging wife cliche and try to