
What happened to this guy was his own fault. He made a dumb mistake. But I still feel sorry for him. I can only imagine what it must be like to be fired from a job you love, in a way that puts getting future similar jobs in doubt. It’s gotta be crushing and terrifying.

If we’re talking what someone does for their personal comfort, then anything goes. It doesn’t matter enough to me to be a dealbreaker, either way.

Hmm, cool. I’ve heard a lot about this game, but the main turnoff has been that I keep hearing the difficulty is trivial, and maxing everything is just a matter of time. Which doesn’t really appeal. If that’s changing, I may have to dig into this afterall.

My current theory is that Jefferson was hired by Sean Prescott to help manage or guide his son’s psychological issues. Brought to teach at Blackwell in order to be close at hand.

I didn’t catch any of the hints, but my money was on Jefferson all along. Simple narrative intuition. The game pushes the obvious candidates for villain too hard. Jefferson was one of the only major characters with almost zero explicit suspicion attached to him. So, if the game was gonna throw a curveball, it was

Wanting to watch someone get scared of videogames on YouTube is weird. Wanting to watch someone *pretend* to get scared of videogames on YouTube is the weirdest.

I think people are just mostly terrible at analogies in general, no matter what their ideological leanings are. Can’t remember the last time I heard someone make an analogy that wasn’t plainly ridiculous or so awkward it just derailed the conversation into an argument about the analogy itself.

The first Silent Hill movie came *so close* to being adequate. Half of it manages to capture some of the atmosphere and feel of the source material. Unfortunately, the other half is goofy cheeseball nonsense. And I only got five minutes into the second one.

I’d say that bad practical effects are waaaaay better than bad CG.

I don’t play the games at all, but I’m actually really interested in seeing where this movie goes. Murderous animatronics are a great horror premise, and it’s awesome that they’re aiming for a lot of practical effects. Remains to be seen how “kid friendly” they end up going, though. Whether this will be an actual

Agreed. I’ve been rewatching TNG on Netflix, and it totally caught me off guard how extremely, explicitly liberal/progressive the messages are. Like, if that show got made today, conservative critics and pundits would be tearing it apart constantly.

Where does it say anything about “owing” sex? The article says you should become friends with someone on the off chance they might one day choose to have sex with you...which is still a ridiculously awful, terrible, creepy idea.

It sounds like a lame generalization, but my guess is you’re mostly right. I’d bet the average guy probably puts a lot more weight on a much narrower definition of attractiveness than the average woman.

Wow, so he lied about the fact that she assaulted him!

So, not only are these fetuses being aborted, the tissue is being used for SCIENCE!? No wonder republicans are up in arms!

Jake looks great. You could definitely capture Adventure Time’s spirit in 3D, as long as you tried to actually interpret the style, and didn’t just turn everyone into generic anime characters. Like Marceline here. What’s up with her mega hips?

Sorry, but “ALL minions” is clearly OP. This needs to be nerfed to “SOME minions”. Maybe even “MOST minions”. Damn Blizzard ruining the game with power creep.

OP! Nerf pls.

This is the best. The dogface belt is amazing.