
Haha, oh god, the interactive towel drying. This game looks (and sounds) ridiculous.

Oh man, of course! Can't believe I forgot about Buffy.

Ha, oh man, Farscape! I completely forgot about that show. So weird. Aeryn was a good character...I gotta go back and rewatch some of that again.

I thought about her. I need to rewatch that movie, the first time around I really didn't like it. But I think I went into it with weird expectations, based on the marketing and trailers and stuff. I should give it another chance.

I was just thinking the other day about who my dream all-female-badass team would consist of.

"Princess Syndrome" has nothing to do with emphasizing female characters. It's about all the female characters always needing to be pretty pretty princesses. As the summary of the actual Snow Queen myth illustrates, it's possible to have stories with a lot of different types of female characters that are strong and

Wow, that's pretty sad. I've seen some marketing for this movie around, but didn't know what it is or what it's based on, and I didn't even know until now that there even is a female lead. In fact, I thought that weird snowman was one of the main characters, since everything I've seen either has him or that caribou on

Man, skeletons should be in EVERY game.

I'll second the High Tension recommendation.

Man, back when found footage was still novel. I really dug this, saw it in the theater. Creeped the hell out of me.

She just needs to update the drivers. That should sort it.

Seems wildly impractical. Wouldn't some kind of small, personal helicopter or quadcopter be a more realistic possibility for private air transportation?

No, because as an adult, it doesn't matter if the kid strips naked and jumps in your lap. It's your job to recognize that she's a child, and that you aren't allowed to have sex with her for ANY REASON.

Yeah, seriously. Kind of an interesting idea, but there's no way I'm about to give up the two lock system. It provides so much more security, requiring the thief to cut both locks in order to take anything.

Wow. I think the douche woman who actually wrenches the ball from the grasp of the little girl is by far the scummiest. She just walks away all smiles, and gets a high five from her asshole friends. Adults acting like freaks over a baseball. Pretty pathetic.

That game haunts my dreams, it was so hard! I never really knew what I was doing or whether I was making progress. I just wandered around those weird rooms until I fell on spikes too many times and my game ended.

I guess it's pretty much the sedan's fault. Which is a shame, because I have no sympathy for the douche in the lambo. He's obviously going way over the limit for a residential area. He's lucky he ended up in an accident that's going to be judged the other guy's fault, instead of plowing over a kid on a bike or someone

I think the first book in the Dark Tower is brilliant. The next two are serviceable, if you like what they're selling (in my case, multi-dimensional fantasy/western/horror with a badass gunslinger protagonist is a "yes, please").

I am all for directors interpreting the story differently from the book they're working from. In fact, I think it's absolutely necessary. I think as many movies have been ruined by trying to be TOO faithful to the source material as have been ruined by straying to far.