
Heat just melts the covering on the analog sticks. Add that with dust adn you just end up with a semi-stick analog stick. Not leaving them in the sun or just the producer moving the hell away from anything vaguely rubbery for surfaces will fix it.

Play more Eve Online. 0.2bil is 200 mil.

Didn’t have to scroll down too much to see Cataclysm:DDA listed. That’s good, since following Dwarf Fortress, it’s the deepest and most involved sandbox roguelike, barring age-old roguelike hall-of-famers ADOM/Nethack.

I don’t blame the team for any bugs, issues, or matters of wrong time management and poor production.

I think the best iteration/variant of GITS is the series, Solid State Society, but it really is a dense material. The kind that’ll take you rewatching it at different periods in your life to understand more of it.

It’s doing what SSHD’s are already doing, dumping data in a faster intermediary medium. You can already do this with RAM if you really want, and you suffer the same issues. If there is a hard fault/stop, you lose ALL data in the temporary storage, or at the very least, any access to it that the apps running would

I’ve now put an obscene amount of time in the game, completely taking down two heads and doing all the collecting in their areas and their buchanos areas, and while it feels less grindy than other Ubi games, this game, by far, is made for coop.

Try figuring out how to do Esport in Eve Online’s Alliance Tournament. It’s obtuse even for the people that /play/ the game.

No, most likely just because the people in the offices you work with are diligent.

Let me teach you what i learned so far in this lifetime which is unrefutable. The world works on complaining and reproaching. While there are unique and hardworking people out there, sometimes you need to put the iron to people’s feet to get shit done. Probably this level of customer care was rarely done because it

I was going to give it a fair shake, but i got ticked with Deus Ex’s inability to switch - and = around, with = being the left hotkey and - the right, so this would just drive me mad, so i’ll pass.

What makes no sense is the fact that they wouldn’t even jiggle when she’s trying to step softely, hell, even walking.

No. They’ll not tie anything.It’s 200 years in the future.

But he did. Valve does not make games anymore. They use games as a platform to design new technologies and ways of marketing and managing virtual asseets. Valve is not a ‘game’ company anymore.

Here’s the kicker. The best eneloops are the original ones from Sanyo. These repackaged by Panasonic after they bought Sanyo are worse. They are worse because the original Eneloops were far ahead of their time.

Here’s the kicker. The best eneloops are the original ones from Sanyo. These repackaged by Panasonic after they

I can appreciate what they did with the Witcher 3, and i whole-heartdly respect their work in terms of dialogue, storyline and worldbuilding.

That’s the key here. You rub them if they are low quality. If they seem fine, don’t.

Those few missions where you could hurdle all your dudes in a corner, multiselect the pistol and keep firing infinite ammo around a corner, alarms be damned.

And thus the issue when search engines become useless and you move to Duck Duck Go which doesn’t interpret what you mean.