
Papers Please worked well almost fully scripted. Sure replayability suffered, but those first two-three runs stick with you.

In 2014, that should not be an excuse, on behalf of the developer.

Same. I didn't hear of this and i actually was researching MOBAs to pick one that i'd play. Or i did, but completely decided to skip it since it uses last-hitting.

Actually, it still exists (or if i'm mistaken, fixed during the last six months), due to wormhole effects. You can end up with resistances past 100% in certain unique situations and any damage will instantly blow up your ship. Something along those lines.

Most sci fi, even 'industrial' scifi like BSG, most fall back on 'kinetic shields' or 'energized hulls'.

Since we disregard 80 percent of what we see on a daily basis, even more so when you're flailing around in an action paced shooter. Captioned pictures allows us to see more than we'd see just moving around the place. And it also allow the author, the photographer, to frame and give meaning to what he's taking shots of.

I come from another angle. I can see right through most game design. I know before hand when i'll most likely need to backtrack, when is a good time to scare the player and when not. I just mostly have a roadmap for these things. Not saying individual elements can't scare me, but those end up being DOOM3 style 'boo'-s.

I was liking it, more the Silent Hill vibe of just fucking creepy, but gave up when i realised that most of the dying in the game happens because of random factors. Literally the alien can be off motion tracker range, but by the time you finish the animation of exiting the vents, he can be right next to you.

I don't know, i'm sorry, but if i cut a guy's head off, he never came back. If the combat execution did anything else, he might.

They should have come up with the system they are now using for Dragon Age's Keep a long time ago.

Actually, if you convince him in ME2 that that is the right choice, something with keeping Maelon's data, and if Eve dies, you can convince him to leave with you at the tower.

Game: Mass Effect 3

There are too many players. Stagger them. Allow guaranteed entry in 'early' two days, with 'as server capacity allows' for extra non prelaunch access customers. By the time launch day comes around, players will already be normalizing. That or buy extra temporary servers like the rest of the industry.

They just prove time and again they can make great marketing material. How much of the actual game do we have now? A buggy pewpew romp? Elite Dangerous is a more fully fleshed out game with a more realistic development schedule that started at the same time than this piece of hardcoded CGI that will eventually™ be

I don't play an iota of online Starcraft 2, but i always find narrated SC2 matches great to watch. I do know the basics of what's going on, and in that regard, i think Esports is exploding because people nowadays understand a lot more what's going on in a Dota2 match than what an athlete has to go through and what the

Ling Ku?

And yet... we have so many inane ones which don't add anything to the medium.

*a princess is forced to ride a giant mecha and hunt dragons from another dimension*

"and are not food you can actually eat." - lost me there.

Polish does amazing things. Give me the most polished turd ever to appear on my screen and i will probably finish it if for nothing else that being comfortable to do. Give me a flawed beautiful concept and i may not get past the first hour. I may just be getting old but i really can't stand through four hours of