

It's amazing that the difference between saving the Krogan race physically and spiritually, and just saving them physically came down to a choice you made in the previous game, with research that involved the deaths of dozens of female krogan. I really kind of hoped there was a way to track Maelon down in ME3 to save

I'm sorry, as much as i thought Garrus to being my bro, i was playing an Infiltrator since Mass Effect 1. I literally sniped my way through three games and by the end i could say i was the sharpest shooter in the galaxy. I just could not miss that shot.

It doesn't relate to your previous paragon/renegade, as to if you did Legion loyalty mission and how much total reputation you have when you reach that point.

It's said that if you don't do the Loyalty mission for him in ME2, he dies in that cutscene.

I don't think playing on a whim qualifies as a higher way to RP. Shepard would have had access to more context, more information and would have been exposed to more culture than you the games could have shown you, so waiting to think about your decision, and thinking about ramifications Shepard would already know,

The game managed to put me in a very uncomfortable, but amazingly emotional position during the Tuchanka mission.

True.. Jesus that's some bad photography.

Did you choose to destroy synthetics when you finished the game? That must'ave been it.

In case anyone's wandering, by Mass Effect 3, Shepard is very well into his 30's.

I phrased it correctly when i said that RPG's are a sort of empty vessel. You create something within it that you care about and grow, and you don't get to have the same control in choosing the ending that should atleast vaguely resemble what you want. The developers provided us with three endings, all of them

I guess it falls down to how literal you take the demand. If they would have just said "the ending sucks" and Bioware would have responded "ok" ... they'd go 'well..good!' ? If you don't like something, you don't go into such an uproar just to point out you don't like something. Petitions as a whole are made to

Still, the issue is amplified because you are more emotionally invested in something you've poured around two hundred hours into, creating, molding and shaping to your wishes. In the end, it's your Shepard. It's one thing to say "JJ Abrams made LOST and then he ended it how he saw fit since it was his work and his

I'm not pulling out my whip and going to Bioware HQ to beat them into making another ending, but i do reserve the right to call them out on what i, and a lot of other people it seems, think to be a bad way to end a beloved series. As such, i wish the situation would be different, but we have a saying here that relates

It's refreshing to see another objective mind around here. I can understand the endings and what they wanted to do, but the issue, in the least, lies in the presentation. A little slideshow or some lines of text spoken by a character or two would have done wonders. In the end, just a bit more exposure. I summed up my

You'd be surprised. Neon Genesis: Evanghelion actually had another ending made after fan uproar, which became the 'theatrical' finale, that was more true to the universe rather than the original 'director's cut' ending that was a jumble of metaphysical bullshit.

A lot of people were pissed that they had to remake their Shepard's face because of a bad import a few days ago. Just imagine how pissed they can be when the last hundred hours they poured in the games, leaving aside those with multiple characters and playthroughs, find out it's all for nil, and you might have just as

Loose ends? Sure, they tie up the Reaper thread, but that's about it. Also, they unravel others. Really, take my word for it, and i'm not spoilering, but when you reach the console and it happens, turn off the game and pretend you won. Seriously. It's like Prison Break season 3 finale, just stop watching 3 minutes

I'm an active mil-sim (military simulation) airsoft (think paintball with small bb's and 1:1 scale replica firearms) player, and while i can't comprehend the full military experience, i can say i atleast understand some aspects of the combat. Playing airsoft has lowered my enjoyment of action movies and military

Yes, and it was awesome.