@Jandlecack: Yeah, all they have to do is just make another, better, game. I'll be happily waiting for my 5gb patch, thank you.
@Jandlecack: Yeah, all they have to do is just make another, better, game. I'll be happily waiting for my 5gb patch, thank you.
@DwightDL: STEAMCHROME! Now that sounds awesome!
@Dira: Meh, can't say i have had problems in recent times with alt-tabbing but maybe that's just me.
@Luke Plunkett: To be entirely honest alt-tabbing these days isent the peril that it was yesteryear. With a decent 3gb of ram you can be quite sure that alt-tabbing will take mere seconds, and well coded games will insure then when getting back in, it'll still work fine.
@Soldier_CLE proclaims Steve Wiebe The REAL King of Kong!!!.: You know, people sometimes forget other people are just.. people. What i mean to say is that they are not some super-special superheroes. They go to work like you do, they eat food like you do, wear cloathes, probably even from the same stores that you buy…
Isent this the same as the animated/comic skits they were showing before the game launched @ pc?
@Eric Siegfried: Seems like evreyone forgot about Mass Effect for the PC that came out this spring.
@vorpal_raddish: You know those guys that keep the wheels turning in a company? I think they call them "managers".
... Jeremy Soule. Period.
@Weirdwolf: 2008 was the best year of my life to be honest.
*That's an "incredible fantasy world"?*
@Bokkun: And have language-locked chats! Imagine the droid chat!
@Bgrngod: I loled the first time i read your comment. Then the brain kicked in, and i said "oh... snap"
@Shykin: Comment of the week called, they said you won.
@ezcheezbandit: Very true. Cataclysm was the best of the series by far.
God i hope Bash's first instinct when seeing the baby is NOT to put a Katamari hat on him/her. x.x
Hey.. small free metal plate with free shipping? Might as well.. ^^
To be honest, whiel she has the looks, the passion in those pictures is about as mush passion as a cardboard box whould give... no flame no nothing. Maybe i'm an art critic where i shouldent be.. but meh.
Since getting my N95 i've been strolling the net for good games.. there are very few and far between. Some actually have amazing gameplay, i swear i've played a Freelancer-styled space-sim right next to my computer because it was more fun then what i had installed atm on the PC. Sadly most of those are non-replayable…
@danny841: You know.. there is a limit on how crazy-for-games you can be.. i've been there, and i think i broke it a bit, but the thing was to just let it pass.. See that kid when he's 20 and if he still has the same insane overthetop passion for games. Me? I still enjoy them, but not in the "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! I…