
Just as an aside - as an attorney, I can tell you that arguing an action is invalid under the interstate Commerce Clause has been a functionally dead argument for the better part of a century. Wickard v. Filburn established a ‘substantial effect’ test, which means that even entirely single state-contained

It’s also disingenuous to act like the OVERWHELMING hostility towards Bernie supporters might have played a part in that, as evidenced in literally every reply in this thread. “Humble in victory” is apparently not a concept that a lot of Biden supporters subscribe to.

You are. You’re asking us to be, or more importantly, SOUND pleased. You’re saying “Fine, whatever, now fall in line and STOP WHINING.”

We get it. Possibly better than you do. COVID-19 is tearing apart the tattered remains of our social safety nets, and threatening to drag half the population down with them, the planet’s burning, and the current administration is stealing everything not nailed down and trying to strangle democracy.

You should read it again, then, because the point that comment was making was that you came in and shit on the series, AND the people liking the series, because it wasn’t made to YOUR taste.

Dude, I don’t even entirely disagree with you. Marvel’s missed several recent opportunities to trim or dump a overloaded X-Men continuity that’s older than I am. But the way you’re presenting your complaints makes you look like the sneering caricature of the neckbeard comic fan, not the exemplar of reason you clearly

Yeah, I saw that. These ARE limited-run series. You’re talking about limited run CONTINUITIES, like Ultimate Marvel, New 52, post-COIE DC, etc. All of which were good, but also had retcons. Again, it’s pretty painfully obvious that mainline Western comics will not do what you’re talking about. You’re complaining that

You’re complaining about retcons... and about never-ending continuity. I’m not sure what you’re looking for in mainstream Western comics if both those things bother you. They’re never getting rid of the Avengers, so if you want fresh stories, one or the other of those seems like a necessity.

Sending investigators, getting swamped by copyright strikes, having his Discord shut down, publishing press releases accusing him of illegal acts... yes, it absolutely is intimidation. There’s absolutely no other way to read that. It’s a very clear message from Take Two, that reads “Publish leaks like this, and we’ll

It’s pretty pictures next to a “Buy” button, even Bethesda wouldn’t be able to seriously fuck it up even if they’d tried.

Happily, Eros is dead as of a month ago, sacrificed to keep Thanos from being reborn. I’m betting Marvel’s not returning him anytime soon.

No, it’s not.

She didn’t say it was okay, she actively goaded him into doing it. The transcripts make it pretty clear it was a cruel game to her, not loving acceptance.

It’s not just 3 cards. Photos were released, and all 12 Tron lands (the engine of the deck) were marked - and each set of 4 was marked consistently with the others. There’s absolutely no way it wasn’t intentional.

That doesn’t make minimizing harm a less worthy goal.

Kotaku cited multiple people, who supplied screenshots of harrassment. Which would mean he’s guilty, at least to the degree where WotC feels comfortable removing him, and Kotaku feels secure that publishing the story won’t get them sued for defamation.  So...

Hoogland wasn’t invited because the last time Hoogland wasn’t invited, he threw a shitfit and tried to harass the woman who DID get the invite, which is a thought process that demonstrates why he didn’t get the invite THAT time either.

Every conservative news outlet screaming about the evil of unions for the past two decades has also contributed.

And? Assuming all that is true, Northam resigning costs Democrats nothing. Fairfax, a Dem, steps up from Lieutenant Governor to Governor. African-Americans in VA don’t (rightly) feel like their votes are taken for granted, the party doesn’t suffer a loss of enthusiasm going into a critical election cycle, and anytime

Maybe you should be a less shitty person, then. I don’t throw around slurs in public or private, and I wouldn’t call them ‘fun with friends’ if I did. As to being a private Discord - dooooon’t care. It’s like complaining that someone took your picture at a Klan rally while your hood was off. Make all the private