
Here’s her history:
She voted in favor of the Iraq War.
She voted in favor of the Patriot Act.
She voted in favor of the same bankruptcy bill that she opposed as first lady.
She promoted hydrofracking world-wide.
She opposed reinstating Glass/Steagall.
She supported TPP.
She waited until it was dead in the water to oppose

I am 92% positive these are the same person.

Are we sure that judge isn’t a Xandozan assassin?

What about bringing up veganism

If you’re going to pirate sports, don’t lie to yourself about it. The reason you are pirating is not “all the blackout rules and other garbage.” It’s because you are either broke or cheap. And that’s fine. Embrace it. But don’t give some shit about sticking it to the man because the Browns-Rams game is blacked out in


I’m a life long raw milk drinker in a country where selling and drinking raw milk is allowed (and regulated).

A more punchable face has never existed.

Have fun at Vice! Here's to writing many more articles like your classic '07:

This guys opinion? The men's section seems to be all about looking like you shop at a thrift shop, but for people that make way too much money to be comfortable being around "those people" in a thrift shop.

Remake != Remaster

I would have been recorded killing a goose. Jackholes laughing instead of calling animal control. They suck. Animals attacking this animal will be dealt with accordingly. The only reason they're hanging out bothering people is because folks stopped killing them and eating them. This and baboons entering people's homes

it's super effective!

No, that's not evident at all. She's underweight and more so from low calorie diet rather than high calorie-burn fitness regiment so she has soft/flabby stick-limbs. Just reminding everyone here. THIS is what 20 minutes of amateur Photoshop does, and it proves her hips weren't changed to begin with, it was just odd

I was kinda curious about this because it seems like based on the model's pose and body shape, it's just a disconcerting placement of the arm. It's not photoshop, the author just doesn't know what women's bodies look like - they have hips.

I sent that pic to my younger brother and just said 'Does your girlfriend know your 19 year old self applied, and consequently was accepted, for the bachelor?'. He sent me a picture of a very rude hand gesture in return.

Katy perry stick to crowd surfing.