
ugly, fat, looking like she’s about to keel over any minute now... i didn’t expect anything less from reading all the diarrhea she sprayed out of her facehole.

Holy shit, as if she wasn’t enough of a shit hack writer. Instead of writing a new IP, she just rehashes her previous success.

cloud os? lol that is a dumb idea. it didn’t really work for nextbit’s robin phones. people don’t like their phones to be useless when they’re underground/in deadspots/in remote areas. and having everyone’s information in the cloud to be potentially hacked is dumb too.

deep dish pizza isn’t pizza. it’s pizza casserole


Of course the photo baby would sprinkle his needless snark all over his review.

soy is garbage and is full of phytoestrogens

nope. re6 was too bloated. 4 campaigns, too many QTEs, and a complicated intersecting timeline is too much. re5 had a better melee system, tighter storyline/progression, and much better mercenaries mode.

they did the same shit with every destiny re-release: jam in the original disc and the inserts with the expansion codes. fuck that.

they did the same shit with every destiny re-release: jam in the original disc and the inserts with the expansion

Where’s the review for Star Fox 2?

it’s one of the best old school castlevania games, but it can be really unforgiving, especially in certain later levels. the level branching system is confusing since sometimes taking a different path will lead to the same boss or jump you to a different area.

poor game design =/= difficulty. i’ve literally beaten and gotten most of the secrets in every portable castlevania game that came out afterwards.

nope. it was crap. jump arcs were painfully narrow, it was too easy getting touched by enemies while running before you could react, rarely any save rooms, rarely any dropped potions, dying at a boss was painful because you had to redo whole sections before getting to said boss again.

Downloading a car without any qualms confirmed.

the gameplay sounds like it’s superhot in terms of unique freshness and trial-and-error.

literacy? raiders fans don’t take kindly to that

it’s pronounced ‘fick’ you heathen :)

you first. with a properly pronounced pasta piece.

you’re an idiot.

the only crazy person here is the one who can’t pronounce pasta correctly.