
you mean a flat, folded empty bag is cause for alarm?

DJ Khaled.... why is this one-man Cringe Factory even a thing?

because no one else is pointing it out. got any other obtuse comments?


is that an android trying to eat?

I feel a responsibility as the CEO of an important company to grow jobs in the United States...”

people were fine with the anime look of the alpha series

If her blackout is anything like my previous ones, she would’ve acted exactly as her typical drunk self, except just have her memory wiped at the end.

new dante gets too much shit. did you even play DmC to the end?

his in-game model face is horrendous, like from a shitty last gen game

Disney should’ve kept the cockney accent from UMVC3 in GotG. way better

yeah i never finished the second game. 4 installments was way too much. also, the spine art didn’t line up well :\

did they make a lot less copies of quarantine compared to the others? that’s weird.

I have all four in excellent condition. I bought them when they came out. I had no idea they were super expensive until years ago.

So is that the 46th dog she’s neglected and killed so far?

i thought that crows/ravens can recognize people even if they were wearing masks and still attack them

The 60 fps framerate makes it even more ugly.

yeah, i’m sure you’ll say the same thing if i convinced your spouse to kill themselves.

She’s a despicable sociopath. End of story.

if i had a dime for every time i saw an ugly/mediocre tall guy having better success with attractive women than his shorter counterparts in person...