
late 90s. it’s all the hormones in the meat and milk i tells ya

puberty’s weird. some girls develop super early. i remember a girl in 5th grade with full on b cups while everyone else was flat.

she has the build, but can’t act

that’s a lot of straw man and extrapolation. again, look up the comic book’s reasoning for ALL of those things. there are answers, but you’re too lazy to do your homework.

The comics have already explained all of what you’re asking. And Wonder Woman has almost always been drawn muscular.

point is, it’s dumb. there has to be a level of suspension of disbelief in any fictional setting. skinny person with super strength isn’t believable on camera unless the character was meant to be that way from the start

by that logic, you’d be okay with a fat wonder woman. or a fat thor

Roman numeral would’ve been better.

That’s it?

He moves like an alien twink. wtf is this garbage?

how about repeal and replace their existence?

...that’s not how that works.

Complaining about complaining? Come on.

idk, i started playing months ago. Go to the menu then Settings->Helmet

lol yeah. Open the menu, go to Settings, and there should be a Helmet setting in the bottom left corner

stop being colorblind

no one wants to see neon vomit though

Huh, Francis lost some weight

i’ve restarted characters plenty of times. you can just store your stuff in the vault before deleting the character. you’ll still need to level your character to 40 and do story missions, but the end transition is immediate

It annoys me that 90% of players choose not to have their helmets off in the social areas. They spent the time customizing their characters’ faces only to cover it up because they want to show off their gaudy-ass complete armor set.