
nobody wants street fighter to go all weeaboo

If those cars were in human form, they’d have extreme overbite and have t-rex arms

unless you’re playing with VR then it doesn’t matter

unless you’re playing with VR then it doesn’t matter

yo, dis bitch smh

boxer briefs do away with that

boxer briefs do away with that

slim straights look better with boots. bootcut jeans are just subtly flared jeans.

slim straights look better with boots. bootcut jeans are just subtly flared jeans.

holding it with both hands and using your thumbs to type is much faster and more efficient. you are an old 30 year old

All the men in SFIV series had fetal alcohol syndrome face and made stupid, deformed expressions.

“bolsters her Systema fighting style with a strong affinity to ice.”

Add ‘doing jack shit about the big banks’ to that list.

she used her prosthetics as a pillow?

all of their eyes are too far apart?

and what would happen with american girls visiting?

Goddamn tonsil stone

We call them skilled savants. A pro at one thing, a total dumbass in everything else.

You sound like you don’t know sarcasm.

You sound like you don’t know sarcasm.

Nah son, Wranglers be relaxed and ‘comturbul’ so you can dodge the lamp your wife throws at you.

Nah son, Wranglers be relaxed and ‘comturbul’ so you can dodge the lamp your wife throws at you.


You can get two tiny chip bags for that!

You can get two tiny chip bags for that!

They should make this one. It’s really famous, guys!